- figure out symbol rate
- matched filtering
- sample
figure out modulation type and order by looking at this scatter plot
- can use ML or classical methods (using probability models)
- in the program itself:
- use probabilities
- maybe have it so that it can take work with a portion of the data and later efficiently incorporate more data if it is needed
- do initialization with points circularly arranged? or just normal constellations; make sure to plot it on the scatter plot before sending it thorugh k-means
- after getting the centroids from k-means, plot it on the scatter plot
google: determine k in k means clustering https://www.kdnuggets.com/2019/08/introduction-image-segmentation-k-means-clustering.html
convert samples to a density gradient grayscale image
- “Rohde Schwarz - YouTube” https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoJfm2BU72j699FH3IUr3mg
- “Understanding Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) - YouTube” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMVAQsUudSs
- “Interpreting Constellation Diagrams - YouTube” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQd_zBytid8