API and data import for DVRPC's crash data.
Front end repo is at https://github.com/dvrpc/crash-data-tool.
See the API and Data READMEs for additional information.
Note: the API will be automatically redeployed upon a successful pull request merge via a Webhook (in conjunction with the automated deployments API and the cloud-ansible project, with results emailed to those monitoring such activities.
A Python virtual environment is required for the API, the data import, and the tests. Create it in the project root (this top-level directory) and install the requirements:
python3 -m venv ve
. ve/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The tests check both the database accuracy as well as the API functionality. Therefore, before running tests, follow the instructions in data/README.md to set up and populate a database.
Then, within a virtual environment and from the project root, run python -m pytest
. All tests in the tests/ directory will be executed.