** WORK IN PROGRESS ** - getting this ready for Dynatrace Perform 2024 HOT (Hands On Training) Days
The original repository is https://github.com/dynatrace-perfclinics/platform-engineering-tutorial!
If you plan to run a workshop then we suggest to create your own fork or copy (by using this as a template) repository and then replace all the XX_PLACEHOLDERS in your repository to point to your Dynatrace Tenants and your BASE_DOMAIN (E.g: *.classroom.yourdomain.com)
If you intend to run multiple class rooms - like we did at Perform 2024 HOTDAYS - then the best is to create multiple copies of the gitops
folder, e.g: gitops_class1
, gitops_class2
... and then replace all the PLACEHOLDERS for each class room. This allows you to have a single "Core Platform GitOps Repo" containing all CRDs for your individual Platforms
Some of the files we just cloned are pointing to other files in our GitHub repo. To point to our just cloned repository we need to do this
# These are the details of your Dynatrace Tenant, BASE-Domain & GEOLOCATION for Synthetics (they differ between prod and sprint tenants!)
export DT_TENANT="abc12345"
export BASE_DOMAIN="SOMEVALUE.dynatrace.training"
export DT_TENANT_LIVE="https://$DT_TENANT.sprint.dynatracelabs.com" # BEAWARE OF .sprint.dynatrace.labs vs .dynatrace.com
export DT_TENANT_APPS="https://$DT_TENANT.sprint.apps.dynatracelabs.com"
# These are the details of your cloned/forked/copied GitHub Repo
export FORKED_GITHUB_ORGNAME=dynatrace-perfclinics
export FORKED_REPO_NAME=hotday-perform-2024-test
# Clone the template files locally
# Now lets replace the placeholders
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#GEOLOCATION_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_GEOLOCATION#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#DT_TENANT_LIVE_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_TENANT_LIVE#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#DT_TENANT_APPS_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_TENANT_APPS#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#BASE_DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER#$BASE_DOMAIN#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#FORKED_GITHUB_ORGNAME_PLACEHOLDER#$FORKED_GITHUB_ORGNAME#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#FORKED_REPO_NAME_PLACEHOLDER#$FORKED_REPO_NAME#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#FORKED_TEMPLATE_REPO_PLACEHOLDER#$FORKED_TEMPLATE_REPO#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#FORKED_REPO_GITOPS_CLASSROOMID_PLACEHOLDER#$FORKED_REPO_GITOPS_CLASSROOMID#g" {} +
# Now lets commit those GitHub Urls
git add -A
git commit -m "Update GitHub Template Repo URLs"
git push
Go back out to the root directory of your cloned git repo
cd ..
If the github repo was already prepared by setting all placeholders as described in Step 1 & 2 then you only need to clone the repo locally like this:
export FORKED_GITHUB_ORGNAME=dynatrace-perfclinics
export FORKED_REPO_NAME=hotday-perform-2024-test
# Clone the template files locally (if you havent done so yet)
Also you have to set those env-variables for the domains
export DT_TENANT="abc12345"
export BASE_DOMAIN="SOMEVALUE.dynatrace.training"
export DT_TENANT_LIVE="https://$DT_TENANT.sprint.dynatracelabs.com"
export DT_TENANT_APPS="https://$DT_TENANT.sprint.apps.dynatracelabs.com"
In Step 2 we are going to create lots of tokens. IN case you already have them - here a quick overview to set them:
DT_INGEST_TOKEN=token; history -d $(history 1)
DT_OP_TOKEN=token; history -d $(history 1)
DT_ALL_INGEST_TOKEN=token; history -d $(history 1)
DT_MONACO_TOKEN=token; history -d $(history 1)
DT_NOTIFICATION_TOKEN=token; history -d $(history 1)
We have a couple of Dynatrace integrations that require tokens and OAuth credentials stored in k8s secrets. Lets create them one by one!
The OneAgent operator will be deployed onto the cluster, but it needs to know where to send data. It needs your DT tenant details.
Note: You need to modify the commands below. DO NOT just copy and paste.
- Go to your Dynatrace environment.
- Go to install OneAgent Kubernetes page.
- Click "Create Token" next to "Dynatrace Operator token". Copy the value and set it in the command below.
- Click "Create Token" next to "Data ingest token". Copy the value and set it in the command below
history -d $(history 1)
is used for security. It removes the value from history file.
Set the operator token:
DT_OP_TOKEN=YOURTOKENVALUEHERE; history -d $(history 1)
Now set the data ingest token:
You can copy and paste the command below as-is.
kubectl create namespace dynatrace
kubectl -n dynatrace create secret generic hot-day-platform-engineering --from-literal=apiToken=$DT_OP_TOKEN --from-literal=dataIngestToken=$DT_INGEST_TOKEN
An OpenTelemetry collector is deployed but does not have the DT endpoint details. Using the same method as above, create those details now.
Note: You need to modify the commands below. DO NOT just copy and paste.
- Go to your Dynatrace environment.
- Go to "Access Tokens"
- Generate an access token with the following permissions:
Set the OpenTelemetry access token value:
Create the secret:
kubectl create namespace opentelemetry
kubectl -n opentelemetry create secret generic dt-details --from-literal=DT_URL=$DT_TENANT_LIVE --from-literal=DT_OTEL_ALL_INGEST_TOKEN=$DT_ALL_INGEST_TOKEN
The token depends on the configuration you wish to read / write (see the monaco) folder monaco configurations.
Initially the token needs the following permissions:
Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology
Read configuration
andWrite configuration
Read settings
andWrite settings
Read SLO
andWrite SLO
Create and read synthetic monitors, locations, and nodes
Create the token:
DT_MONACO_TOKEN=dt0c01.******.*************; history -d $(history 1)
kubectl create namespace monaco
kubectl -n monaco create secret generic monaco-secret --from-literal=monacoToken=$DT_MONACO_TOKEN
kubectl -n dynatrace create secret generic monaco-secret --from-literal=monacoToken=$DT_MONACO_TOKEN
We are using ArgoCD Notifications to send Events to Dynatrace using the Events API V2. For that we need to a token that can send events to Dynatrace
DT_NOTIFICATION_TOKEN=dt0c01.******.*************; history -d $(history 1)
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl -n argocd create secret generic argocd-notifications-secret --from-literal=dynatrace-url=$DT_TENANT_LIVE --from-literal=dynatrace-token=$DT_NOTIFICATION_TOKEN
We will need an OAuth client to send BizEvents.
Follow steps 1 to 3 to create an OAuth Client.
The client (and the service user) need these permissions:
You should now have 3 pieces of information:
oAuth Client ID
oAuth Client Secret
DT Account URN
These details will be used to send Dynatrace bizevents for different applications in various namespaces.
Note: Applying the platform app above creates the namespaces You must wait for that before performing this step.
Since secrets are namespace specific, we need to create an identical secret in each namespaces from which we wish to emit bizevents.
history -d $(history 1)
is used for security. It removes the value from history file.
Now set your oAuth client secret:
Now set your account URN:
DT_ACCOUNT_URN=urn:dtaccount:********; history -d $(history 1)
Now create the secrets in each namespace. You can copy and paste this as-is:
kubectl -n dynatrace create secret generic dt-bizevent-oauth-details --from-literal=dtTenant=$DT_TENANT_LIVE --from-literal=oAuthClientID=$DT_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID --from-literal=oAuthClientSecret=$DT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET --from-literal=accountURN=$DT_ACCOUNT_URN
kubectl -n opentelemetry create secret generic dt-bizevent-oauth-details --from-literal=dtTenant=$DT_TENANT_LIVE --from-literal=oAuthClientID=$DT_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID --from-literal=oAuthClientSecret=$DT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET --from-literal=accountURN=$DT_ACCOUNT_URN
ArgoCD is our central GitOps Operator that deploys our Core Platform Components (taken from this repository) as well as will deploy custom apps that attendees will create during the class room hands-on tutorials!
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml
In order for Argo to be accessible via the Ingress we need to do two things: apply a config map to tell it about allow unsecure traffic behind the ingress - and - the ingress itself.
kubectl apply -n argocd -f $FORKED_REPO_GITOPS_CLASSROOMID/manifests/platform/argoconfig/argo.ingress.yml
kubectl apply -n argocd -f $FORKED_REPO_GITOPS_CLASSROOMID/manifests/platform/argoconfig/argocd-cmd-params-cm.yml
Last but not least - we need to restart the argo-server pod to pickup the new ConfigMap
kubectl -n argocd scale deploy -l app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server --replicas=0
kubectl -n argocd scale deploy -l app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server --replicas=1
We should now be able to login to ArgoCD with the following details assuming we have an Ingres Controller on EKS:
ARGOCDPWD=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
echo "User: admin"
echo "Password: $ARGOCDPWD"
echo "URL: https://argo.$BASE_DOMAIN"
The ArgoUI should say "No Applications"
Now its time to tell ArgoCD to install all our platform components. For that we have a so called AppOfApps prepared that tells ArgoCD from which folders in our GitHub repository to fetch Backstage, GitLab, OpenTelemetry, ...
kubectl apply -f $FORKED_REPO_GITOPS_CLASSROOMID/platform.yml
Expect argo-config
to be "Degraded" due to the customer-apps
AppSet. This is fine because we haven't configured Gitlab yet, so it is safe to ignore this error for now.
We should now definitely be able to login as we also installed our own nginx-ingress controller
ARGOCDPWD=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
echo "User: admin"
echo "Password: $ARGOCDPWD"
echo "URL: https://argo.$BASE_DOMAIN"
GitLab is our git repository for all apps that the attendees will create and that will then be deployed by ArgoCD on the target k8s cluster.
To login to GitLab we use root
as the username
Password can be obtained via
GITLABPWD=$(kubectl -n gitlab get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
echo "GitLab user: root"
echo "GitLab pwd: $GITLABPWD"
In order for tools like Backstage to interact with GitLab we need a PAT.
- Log into Gitlab
- Go to your user profile
- Create a PAT with
When you have a Personal Access Token (PAT), configure this:
Now run the following:
# You should already have the next three set from our first step!
export FORKED_GITHUB_ORGNAME=dynatrace-perfclinics
export FORKED_REPO_NAME=hotday-perform-2024-test
export DT_TENANT="abc12345"
export BASE_DOMAIN="SOMEVALUE.dynatrace.training"
export DT_TENANT_LIVE="https://$DT_TENANT.sprint.dynatracelabs.com"
export DT_TENANT_APPS="https://$DT_TENANT.sprint.apps.dynatracelabs.com"
export DT_GEOLOCATION=GEOLOCATION-XXXXXXX # eg: GEOLOCATION-DDAA176627F5667A for prod live, GEOLOCATION-3F7C50D0C9065578 for staging
export GIT_USER="root"
export GIT_PWD="$GL_PAT"
export GIT_EMAIL="admin@example.com"
export GIT_REPO_APP_TEMPLATES_TEMPLATE_NAME="applications-template"
# 1) disable signups for security
# 2) set clone URL to https:// not http:// for backstage
# 3) disable the warning about ssh keys (all repos are public anyway)
# 4) disable "auto devops" pipeline and UI info box
curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GL_PAT" "https://gitlab.$BASE_DOMAIN/api/v4/application/settings?signup_enabled=false&custom_http_clone_url_root=https://gitlab.$BASE_DOMAIN/&user_show_add_ssh_key_message=false&auto_devops_enabled=false"
# Create 'group1'
# This group is where the backstage bootstrap process will create the "app teams" projects
# TODO: Rename to something more logical like "projects" or "teamprojects"
curl -X POST -d '{ "name": "group1", "path": "group1", "visibility": "public" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GL_PAT" "https://gitlab.$BASE_DOMAIN/api/v4/groups"
# Create empty template repo for backstage templates
curl -X POST -d '{"name": "'$GIT_REPO_BACKSTAGE_TEMPLATES_TEMPLATE_NAME'", "initialize_with_readme": true, "visibility": "public"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GL_PAT" "https://gitlab.$BASE_DOMAIN/api/v4/projects"
# Create empty template repo for app templates
curl -X POST -d '{"name": "'$GIT_REPO_APP_TEMPLATES_TEMPLATE_NAME'", "initialize_with_readme": true, "visibility": "public"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GL_PAT" "https://gitlab.$BASE_DOMAIN/api/v4/projects"
# Clone files from template github.com repo
git config --global user.email "$GIT_EMAIL" && git config --global user.name "$GIT_USER"
# Ensure terminal is in home directory
# Clone new empty repo for backstage templates
# Clone new empty repo for app templates
# Copy files from template for backstage templates repo
# Then replace the placeholders
# Then commit and push files
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#DT_TENANT_LIVE_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_TENANT_LIVE#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#DT_TENANT_APPS_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_TENANT_APPS#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#BASE_DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER#$BASE_DOMAIN#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#GEOLOCATION_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_GEOLOCATION#g" {} +
git add -A
git commit -m "initial commit"
# Copy files from app template, then replace the placeholders, then commit
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#DT_TENANT_LIVE_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_TENANT_LIVE#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#DT_TENANT_APPS_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_TENANT_APPS#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#BASE_DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER#$BASE_DOMAIN#g" {} +
find . -type f \( -not -path '*/\.*' -not -iname "README.md" \) -exec sed -i "s#GEOLOCATION_PLACEHOLDER#$DT_GEOLOCATION#g" {} +
git add -A
git commit -m "initial commit"
# Done creating "backstage template" repo
# Done creating "applications template" repo
Configure a secret for Backstage:
This is from the 'alice' user (see argocd-cm.yml)
The argocd
CLI utility will be required:
# Download the argocd CLI and authenticate
wget -O argocd https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/releases/download/v2.9.3/argocd-linux-amd64
chmod +x argocd
sudo mv argocd /usr/bin
# Set the default context to the argocd namespace so 'argocd' CLI works
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argocd
# Now authenticate
argocd login argo --core
# Set the default context to the argocd namespace so 'argocd' CLI works
ARGOCD_TOKEN=$(argocd account generate-token --account alice)
# Reset the context to 'default' namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default
kubectl -n backstage create secret generic backstage-secrets \
--from-literal=GITLAB_TOKEN=$GL_PAT \
--from-literal=DT_TENANT_NAME=$DT_TENANT \
in argoconfig
is still "degraded". This is an old error. Now that Gitlab is available, it will work. Delete the AppSet now and it will recreate and go green.
the Argo ApplicationSet controller seems to stop working even after the link to Gitlab is fixed.
Solve this by restarting the controller:
kubectl -n argocd scale deploy/argocd-applicationset-controller --replicas=0
kubectl -n argocd scale deploy/argocd-applicationset-controller --replicas=1
By now, you should see 12 applications in ArgoCD:
App Name | Description |
platform | The logical "wrapper" app which contains the other platform applications |
argoconfig | configuration items for argocd |
argo-rollouts | Argo Rollouts |
argo-workflows | Argo Workflows |
backstage | Backstage application |
cron-jobs | CronJobs live here. Security scanners. |
dynatrace | Deploys DT components |
gitlab | Gitlab |
keptn | Keptn components |
namespaces | wrapper app to create all namespaces |
nginx-ingress | Nginx ingress to access cluster |
opentelemetry | OpenTelemetry collector to send data to DT |
You should be able to get all your credentials you need through this:
GITLABPWD=$(kubectl -n gitlab get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
ARGOCDPWD=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "GitLab: $GITLABURL"
echo "User: $GITLABUSER"
echo "Pwd: $GITLABPWD"
echo "----"
echo "ArgoCD: $ARGOCDURL"
echo "User: $ARGOCDUSER"
echo "Pwd: $ARGOCDPWD"
echo "----"
echo "Backstage: $BACKSTAGEURL"
echo "----"
echo "Dynatrace: $DT_TENANT_APPS"
- Visit backstage
- Create a new app based on the default template
- Fill out all form values eg.
, ... - Create the application
- Visit argocd / backstage to see your app being deployed
- Visit Dynatrace to see everything being deployed
Issue: An app is created in Backstage but is not appearing in Argo Workaround: Restart the ApplicationSet controller pod
kubectl -n argocd scale deploy/argocd-applicationset-controller --replicas=0
kubectl -n argocd scale deploy/argocd-applicationset-controller --replicas=1