This repository contains examples used in the video series in folders corresponding to the lessons.
- The original series can be found here: Learn JavaScript on the Now Platform with Chuck Tomasi
- The follow-up series can be found here: Learn MORE JavaScript on the ServiceNow Platform with Earl Duque
- And a series specifically on ECMAScript 2021 can be found here: Let's learn ECMAScript 2021 (ES2021) with Earl Duque. or watch this video, lol
Scripts use the naming structure L(lesson#)S(script#).js. Example, L09S01.js refers to Lesson 9, script example 1. Solutions to lab exercises can also be found in the Lab Solutions folder.
- (JavaScript)
- (Javascript)
- ServiceNow Developer Program
- Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals
- ServiceNow Docs
- ServiceNow Technical Best Practices
- TechNow webinars
- ServiceNow Community
- Stephen Bell's Scripting Best Practices Videos
- Regular Expression Documentation
- Online RegEx Testing
- Script Design Problems