node.jsonld.service | Linux systemD file PROCFILE | For Heroku
├── src | All Javascript
│ ├── back | Server code
│ │ ├── web.js | Initial Express setup, middleware, server launch
│ │ ├── routes.js | HTTP End-points
│ │ ├── ajv-cli.js | Setup script for use with AJV-CLI
│ │ └── logging.js | Setup script for program-wide logging, used by all other .js
│ ├── front | Example code for browser, currently nothing important
│ ├── schema | Definitive versions of JSON schemas
│ └── share | Portable code
│ ├── ajv-ucar.js | Setup script for use with AJV, adds custom formats
│ ├── ericsmimetypelist.js | List from eric, used by validator.
│ ├── validators.js | Implements custom validators, layer above validator library
│ └── jsonld_examples | Local copy of UCAR Github repo, modified
├── ssl | Default location, not under VCS
└── public | Serve location, not under VCS
From package.json, npm run ...:
- web | Deployed operation
- web:unsecure | Development operation
- test: ... | Validates schema using AJV-CLI