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Conference call notes 20191127

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

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Notes on the 137th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday Nov 27th 2019 (17:00 - 18:00 CET)


Alphabetical list of attendees (4):

  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent, Belgium)
  • Davide Vanzo (UT Southwestern)
  • Fotis Georgatos (SDSC, Switzerland)
  • Adam Huffman (Big Data Institute, Oxford)


  • update on recent developments for next release (EasyBuild v4.1.0)
  • SC19 report by Davide/Adam
  • Q&A

Update on recent developments for next release (EasyBuild v4.1.0)

SC19 report by Davide/Adam

  • no EasyBuild booth talks this year by Davide
    • but Davide's ex-colleague at Vanderbilt did a booth talk on EB
    • folks from UMich (see Slack channel) attended that
  • GSSI BoF
    • went very well, ~140 responded during interactive survey
    • see
    • bigger room: better attendance, but did affect discussion (more intimidating)
    • few questions, mostly after the survey
    • open suggestions as last question in use case was interesting
    • interesting suggestion was to organize a hands-on event to get started with EasyBuild/Spack, seeing use cases, ...
      • hard to get into official SC program?
      • joint "workshop" with Spack/Lmod?
      • could be an external event to SC (but more difficult to get good attendance)
  • Davide got in touch with Shelley Johnson (UMich)
    • currently figuring out a better approach, considering EasyBuild or Spack
    • several software stacks next to each other, difficult to achieve currently with EB when using HMNS
      • Markus is doing something like in his home dir on top of centrally installed module hierarchy
      • document this use case?
    • positively impressed after Davide's demo
  • Intel licenses for generoso shared test infrastructure @ CSCS
    • Davide is in touch with someone who could get us floating licenses
    • open program would only get us a single-node license
  • Davide/Adam: most people seem to consider EasyBuild/Spack on the same level in informal discussions


  • Fotis: becoming an EasyBuild maintainer?
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