OpenSeadragon is a javascript library for displaying tiling images. This gem packages those assets and some Rails helpers for using them.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'openseadragon'
Run bundle install:
$ bundle install
And run the openseadragon-rails install generator:
$ bundle exec rails g openseadragon:install
The generator will install the Rails helpers and openseadragon assets.
This gem provides two helpers, #picture_tag
and #openseadragon_picture_tag
The #picture_tag
helper creates HTML5
In the simple case, a view like:
picture_tag 'page1.jpg', 'page2.jpg', 'page3.jpg'
Creates the HTML like:
<source src="page1.jpg" />
<source src="page2.jpg" />
<source src="page3.jpg" />
You can control the attributes on <picture>
and <source>
picture_tag ['page1.jpg' => { id: 'first-picture'}], 'page2.jpg', 'page3.jpg', { class: "picture-image" }, { id: 'my-picture'}
<picture id="my-picture">
<source class="picture-image" id="first-picture" src="page1.jpg">
<source class="picture-image" src="page2.jpg">
<source class="picture-image" src="page3.jpg">
If you have an OpenSeaDragon tilesource, you can use this helper to construct a HTML5 <picture>
that will render as an OpenSeaDragon tile viewer.
openseadragon_picture_tag 'page1.jpg'
<picture data-openseadragon="true">
<source media="openseadragon" src="page1.jpg" />
This gem includes some javascript that translates that markup to the OSD viewer.
As with #picture_tag
, you can provide additional options.
openseadragon_picture_tag 'page1.jpg', 'path/to/info.json', ['some-custom-tilesource' => { Image: { xmlns: "...", Url: '...', Format: 'jpg', Overlap: 2}}], { class: 'osd-image'}, { data: { openseadragon: { preserveViewport: true, visibilityRatio: 1}}}
<picture data-openseadragon="{"preserveViewport":true,"visibilityRatio":1}">
<source class="osd-image" media="openseadragon" src="page1.jpg" />
<source class="osd-image" media="openseadragon" src="path/to/info.json" />
<source class="osd-image" data-openseadragon="{"Image":{"xmlns":"...","Url":"...","Format":"jpg","Overlap":2}}" media="openseadragon" src="some-custom-tilesource" />
The src
attribute (or the JSON-encoded options given in the data-openseadragon
) are translated into an OpenSeaDragon tilesource