Web based business management and accounting software
Imperium is an all-in-one business management software solution for small business seeking CRM, Work Order, Invoicing and Accounting features. Easily organize clients and contacts, provide quotes, track work and send bills. The Accounting module provides book-keeping functionality and reporting for small businesses.
Imperium provides the "power to control" all of your business data with a client centric approach.
- Linux Server - Gentoo, Ubuntu have been tested
- Apache 2.2
- PHP 5.2
- Radix 2012.x
- PostgreSQL 9.0
MySQL may work but has not been tested as much as PostgreSQL
Export the latest version to some location on the system such as /opt/edoceo/imperium/
git clone https://github.com/edoceo/imperium /opt/edoceo/imperium
Create the database user and the database itself
# psql -U postgres
postgres=# create user imperium;
postgres=# create database imperium with owner imperium encoding 'UTF8';
Change to the approot/sql
directory then run each of those files in order.
# cd /opt/edoceo/imperium/approot/sql
# for f in *; do psql -U imperium -f $f; done
Copy approot/etc/imperium.ini
to approot/etc/imperium-local.ini
Edit imperium-local.ini to configure proper values for your environment.
Install the Repos via Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
./composer.phar --no-dev install