Base to channel pruned to ResNet18 model
This demonstrates pruning a ResNet18 based multi-classification.
This was able to reduce the CPU runtime by x2 and the model size by x2 at least.
For more details you can read the paper:Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource Efficient Inference,
At each pruning step 512 filters are removed from the network, the number was set by yourself.
Training: python --train --train_path /path/train --test_path /path/test
Pruning: python --prune --train_path /path/train --test_path /path/test
Change the pruning to be done in one pass. Currently each of the 512 filters are pruned sequentually. for layer_index, filter_index in prune_targets: model = prune_vgg16_conv_layer(model, layer_index, filter_index)
This is inefficient since allocating new layers, especially fully connected layers with lots of parameters, is slow.
In principle this can be done in a single pass.
this project modified from
For details, see csdn: