A curated list of awesome Switzerland π¨π specific Github projects
Utilities and Libraries to access data of swiss public transport companies (SBB, BLS ect.)
- Transport - PHP library to access swiss public transport data
- OnTime - Apple Watch app to access the SBB timetable
- fahrplan - A SBB/CFF/FFS commandline based timetable client.
Utilities and libraries to access data of swiss bike sharing companies
- pypublibike - A Python wrapper around the PubliBike API
- QuoBikeIs - Webapp that provides an overview over available PubliBike bikes
Utilities and libraries to access environmental data
- pyaare - A Python wrapper around the aare.guru API.
- aaregurucli - CLI for the aare.guru API
Utilities and Libraries around swiss maps and mapping services
- swiss-maps - Generate TopoJSON from publicly available (but difficult to access) swisstopo geodata.
Utilities and Libraries around Switzerland specific billing, accounting, ...)
- php-swiss-qr-bill - A PHP library to create Swiss QR Bill payment parts (QR-Rechnung)
Resources, lists, documentation
- swiss-charities - List of Swiss charitable organizations
Contributions are very welcome!