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@end2endzone end2endzone released this 27 Oct 18:36
· 4 commits to master since this release

Changes for 0.10.0

  • Breaking change: The Configuration Files directory has moved from %USERPROFILE%\ShellAnything to %USERPROFILE%\ShellAnything\configurations. Configuration Files in the old directory will move to the new directory automatically on application first launch. Other files in %USERPROFILE%\ShellAnything will not be moved.
  • Breaking change: The logs directory has moved from %USERPROFILE%\ShellAnything\Logs to %LOCALAPPDATA%\ShellAnything\logs. The previous logs directory will be removed on application first launch.
  • ShellAnything has a new high-resolution logo icon!
  • Shellanything now features verbose logging mode and command line arguments debugging tools.
  • ShellAnything now packages icons from icons8/flat-color-icons.


  • Fixed issue #6 : (twice) Right-click on a directory with Windows Explorer in the left panel shows the menus twice.
  • Fixed issue #31 : (twice) Error in logs for CContextMenu::GetCommandString()
  • Fixed issue #108: Separate location for log files ? (and exclusions?)
  • Fixed issue #109: Implement default and verbose logging.
  • Fixed issue #110: Create a simple command line arguments debugging application.
  • Fixed issue #148: Can't uninstall.
  • Fixed issue #150: ico icon (that do not specifically force index=0) are not working.
  • Fixed issue #157: Compilation fails on Github Action: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'atlbase.h': No such file or directory.
  • Fixed issue #158: Compilation fails on Github Action: CPack error : Problem running WiX..
  • Fixed issue #159: Unit test fails on Github Actions: TestPlugins.testServices().
  • Fixed issue #161: Create tools to help quickly find a system icon when creating a menu.
  • Fixed issue #164: Fails to identify icon for HTML files.
  • Fixed issue #167: Improve the quality and accuracy of icon's fileextension attribute resolution (Icon::ResolveFileExtensionIcon()).
  • Fixed issue #171: New logo icon.
  • Fixed issue #177: Execute a console program without showing a window.
  • Fixed issue #178: Exec action should expose the created process id.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.10.0