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Stars Forks Contributors Maintenance

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  • Dotfiles for i3 window manager under EndeavourOS
  • Maintained by killajoe (Joe Kamprad)
  • You can find some details about enhancements and changes on my blog

Settings Tutorial

Default applications

  • Background Wallpaper - feh

  • File Browser - thunar

  • GTK Theming - nwg-look

    • Config - "${HOME}"/.config/gtk-3.0/ "${HOME}"/.config/gtk-4.0/ "${HOME}"/.gtkrc-2.0 "${HOME}"/.local/share/nwg-look/gsettings
  • Terminal Emulator - xfce4-terminal

    • This is also set inside "${HOME}"/.profile as export TERMINAL=xfce4-terminal
    • If you want to change the default terminal, you need to change it in "${HOME}"/.profile as well.
  • Text Editor - xed

    • Config - xed.dconf
    • To reset default settings dconf reset -f /org/x/editor/preferences/editor
  • XDG Autostart - dex

    • Autostarting apps from /etc/xdg/autostart/
    • Dex is enabled by default in i3 config to autostart applications like on a DE.
    • To disable, comment out the line exec --no-startup-id dex --autostart --environment i3 in "${HOME}"/i3/config
  • Notifications - dunst

    • Config - "${HOME}"/.config/dunst/dunstrc
  • App Launcher - rofi

    • Config - "${HOME}"/.config/rofi

Main Shortcuts

mod key is set to the Windows/Super key.


Default Key Bindings

Keybindings are different from the i3 defaults to fit into the setup. There are 2 methods that lets you view the default key bindings.

  • Method 1 - The keyboard icon on panel opens a little GUI helper.
  • Method 2 - By pressing F1 key.


Display Setup


  • Open arandr and setup the display(s) as per your needs.

  • Save the setup from arandr menu or button exactly with filename monitor.

  • In i3 EndeavourOS we have a starter line in the "${HOME}"/.config/i3/config

    # start a script to setup displays
    # put `` into the location specified by this line
    exec --no-startup-id "${HOME}"/.screenlayout/
  • This will handle to set display on each login.

  • Alternatively, you could manually make a script with xrandr.


Tiling set to default for i3wm and can be changed to

  • Stacking Mode - Only the focused window in the container is displayed. You get a list of windows at the top of the container.
  • Tabbed Mode - Each new window will open in fullscreen as a tab, you can change between window tabs with mouse or shortcut
    • mod+Left focus left (left arrow key)
    • mod+Right focus right (right arrow key)

Panel Bar (i3blocks)

  • Uses i3blocks. Lets you view workspaces, active i3 blocks, tray icons and launch applications.

  • Config - "${HOME}"/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf

  • Pulse Audio

    • Use mouse wheel over volume level
    • Right click open pulseaudio control
  • Weather

  • Tray Icons (network manager, update icon, etc.)

  • Logout Button (Cancel, Lock, Logout, Reboot, Shutdown, Suspend etc.)

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Logout Menu

  • Uses rofi. Lets you perform power actions on your machine.
  • Config - "${HOME}"/.config/i3/scripts/powermenu

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Application Menu

  • Uses rofi. Lets you launch apps, run commands, switch windows.
  • Config - "${HOME}"/.config/rofi

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Power Profiles Handler Menu

  • Uses powerprofilesctl. Lets you easily switch power modes from the panel bar.

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Theming / Color Schemes

  • Rofi Application Menu and Logout Menu



  • Rofi Color Schemes



Colors are in RGBA, calling transparency in the last column rgba ( 26, 28, 35, 100 % )

  • GTK3 Theming and Icons

"${HOME}"/.config/gtk-3.0, "${HOME}"/.Xresources

There is nwg-look installed where you can browse and set GTK theme, icons and xcursor theme.

Xcursor needs "${HOME}"/.Xresources on cases to have the right size in all cases.

As some applications now went to GTK4 you can add a "${HOME}"/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini with only the theme lines:


With this gtk4 apps will also follow the theme (will be needed to change manually on theme changes)

  • Screen locker and locking session after sleep: blur-lock and xss-lock are used. see ~/.config/i3/config
# lock by blurring the screen:
bindsym $mod+l exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/blur-lock
# lock in case after sleep
exec --no-startup-id xss-lock --transfer-sleep-lock -- "~/.config/i3/scripts/blur-lock"

Tutorial to install EndeavourOS-i3wm-setup from scratch

For installing it later on, in case if you have installed another DE on initial install from the ISO

  1. Clone endeavouros-i3wm-setup dotfiles repo

    $ git clone
    $ cd endeavouros-i3wm-setup/etc/skel/
  2. Copy the files to user home directories.

    $ cp .Xresources "${HOME}"/.Xresources
    $ cp -R .config/* "${HOME}"/.config/
  3. Make all scripts executable inside i3 config

    $ chmod -R +x "${HOME}"/.config/i3/scripts
  4. Apply settings and theming for xed text editor

    $ dbus-launch dconf load / < xed.dconf
  5. Install using different methods

    • Method 1 - Using EndeavourOS-packages-lists repo

      $ wget EndeavourOS-packages-lists/master/i3
      $ sudo pacman -S --needed - < i3
    • Method 2 - Using eos-packagelist package from EOS repo

      $ eos-packagelist --install 'i3-Window-Manager
    • Method 3 - Using the i3_install script from the git for automated config and package installation in user home directory. WARNING - Method 3 will overwrite existing files. Make sure you backup users configs before running it on your own.

      $ wget
      $ ./i3_install

