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Dive into configuring i3

i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager inspired by wmii that is primarily targeted at developers and advanced users. The configuration file for endeavouros-i3 can be found at "${HOME}"/.config/i3/config. Edit this file to make changes and use mod+Shift+r to restart i3 in place.

Firefox is autostarting at each login?

Open "${HOME}"/.config/i3/config. Add/remove # at the start of the line to disable/enable auto start at login:

Before (default setting, firefox will auto start at login)

exec --no-startup-id sleep 7 && firefox

After (changed setting, firefox will not auto start at login)

#exec --no-startup-id sleep 7 && firefox

No transparency effects?

picom can be installed and configured to enable transparency effects inside i3wm:

$ sudo pacman -Syu picom

The default configuration is available in /etc/xdg/picom.conf. To modify picom settings for per user, copy global picom config in to user home directory.

$ mkdir -pv "${HOME}"/.config/picom
$ cp /etc/xdg/picom.conf "${HOME}"/.config/picom/picom.conf

In some cases you might need to use a different configuration to make picom work. Eg. While using NVIDIA's proprietary drivers. After installing and uncommeting the settings, logout and log back in for changes to take effect. Open "${HOME}"/.config/picom/picom.conf Add/remove # at the start of the line to disable/enable picom auto start at login.

Before (default setting, picom will not auto start at login)

#exec_always --no-startup-id picom -b

After (changed setting, picom will auto start at login)

exec_always --no-startup-id picom -b

Disable the battery indicator

alt text

Open "${HOME}"/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf Add/remove # at the start of the lines to disable/enable battery indicator. Before (default setting, battery indicator enabled)

# Battery indicator
# for alternative battery script change to battery1
# change this to battery-pinebook-pro if you are running on pinebook-pro

After (changed setting, battery indicator disabled)

# Battery indicator
# for alternative battery script change to battery1
# change this to battery-pinebook-pro if you are running on pinebook-pro

Autostart Implementation

dex is used to auto start applications on startup in i3wm.

Open "${HOME}"/.config/i3/config.

Add/remove # at the start of the line to disable/enable xdg auto start.

Before (default setting, xdg auto start enabled)

exec --no-startup-id dex --autostart --environment i3

After (changed setting, xdg auto start disabled)

#exec --no-startup-id dex --autostart --environment i3

Reset Configuration

The default configuration file for i3 can be found at /etc/i3/config.

The default configuration file for endeavouros-i3 can be found here.

To replace your current configuration with the default of endeavouros-i3 run the following command. This will also make a backup of your current configuration at "${HOME}"/.config/i3/config.1

$ wget --backups=1 -P "${HOME}"/.config/i3/


Still having some issues? Surf through the EndeavourOS Wiki or ask for help on EndeavourOS Forum.