- SIer時代に培ったインフラ、バックエンド、フロントエンドの幅広い開発経験
- iOS/Androidのモバイルアプリ開発に精通し、両プラットフォームに対応可能
- アジャイル開発の導入と運用により、開発プロジェクトの推進とチームの成長に貢献
- プロジェクトマネジメントの経験を活かし、ステークホルダーとの調整や優先順位付けを円滑に行う能力
- モバイルアプリの開発、アーキテクチャ設計
- 音声配信 / ライブ配信の仕組み作り
- 音声パーソナリティの収録アプリの開発
- 創業当初は外注で作成されており、UnitTestもないコードだったためバグの検知が手動テストに頼っている状況だった。
- マルチモジュールを導入し、モジュール単位でテスタブルな設計を保証できるような構成に少しずつ変更。
- 他のiOSエンジニアAndroidエンジニアを巻き込みながら機能開発は止めずに手を触る箇所からマルチモジュールに変更していくことを推進。
- アジャイル開発でPdMと成果物を確認しながら、優先順位を調整。
- 開発し切る前に検証可能な段階で、PdMとともにパーソナリティを巻き込み検証をすることでプロダクトとして品質を落とせる場所、落とせない場所をチーム内で優先順位を合わせた。
- SwiftUI / Agora / AVFoundation / RxSwift
- Jetpack Compose / ExoPlayer
- PickGo Business/Partner開発
- JAL航空便連携
- Swift / Kotlin / Nuxt.js
- Swift / Android
- Laravel
- Java (Spring) / PHP (Laravel) / MySQL
- 利用技術 - SwiftUI / MapKit / CoreLocation
After graduating from an IT technical school, I worked at a SIer where I was involved in a wide range of system development, from infrastructure to backend and frontend. Subsequently, I worked as a mobile engineer at startups and business companies, engaging in both iOS and Android app development. I occasionally handled project management as well. Currently, I serve as an iOS Engineer and Team Leader at Voicy, where I lead agile development for personality-focused initiatives and oversee the architecture design and implementation for the entire mobile team.
- Broad development experience in infrastructure, backend, and frontend cultivated during SIer period
- Proficient in iOS/Android mobile app development, capable of working with both platforms
- Contributed to project advancement and team growth through the implementation and operation of agile development
- Ability to smoothly coordinate with stakeholders and prioritize tasks using project management experience
- Mobile app development and architecture design
- Building voice broadcasting / live streaming systems
Working at a voice distribution platform company, mainly responsible for developing recording apps for voice personalities. Developed live broadcasting features using Agora and implemented various improvements to provide a better experience for personalities in recording and voice distribution.
- Development of recording apps for voice personalities
Internalized app development that was previously outsourced and gradually shifted to testable design
- Initially outsourced with no unit tests, requiring manual testing for bug detection
- Introduced multi-module architecture to ensure testable design at the module level
- Promoted gradual transition to multi-module architecture while maintaining feature development, involving other iOS and Android engineers
Development of new recording methods including live broadcasting and collaborative recording
- Adjusted priorities with PdM through agile development while verifying deliverables
- Involved personalities in verification before full development completion, aligning team priorities on quality standards
- SwiftUI / Agora / AVFoundation / RxSwift
- Jetpack Compose / ExoPlayer
Developed "SmaRyuTruck," a new SaaS for general cargo transportation companies, aiming to improve operational efficiency in the transportation industry by providing fleet management features and a general cargo matching platform.
Responsible for developing "SmaRyuTruck," particularly designing and implementing the fleet management system and building the general cargo matching platform.
As team leader in an engineer-centric team with the CEO as product owner, contributed to adjusting team priorities and understanding customer businesses through site visits to promote service adoption.
Joined as a mobile engineer at a company providing "PickGo," a delivery matching platform connecting freelance drivers with shippers in real-time. Handled frontend and server-side development, later serving as project manager for development initiatives and feature implementation.
- PickGo Business/Partner development
- JAL flight service integration
Successfully managed JAL flight integration and seasonal delivery fee adjustments from requirements definition to release, despite team member turnover.
- Swift / Kotlin / Nuxt.js
- Development of SmaRyuTruck SaaS for general cargo transportation companies
- Release of general cargo delivery request interface
- Shopping app release
- PickGo Business/Partner development
- JAL flight service integration
As an engineer at a sports-related company, improved user experience through modification of existing features and design/implementation of community features to increase user base.
- Swift / Android
- Laravel
At a network-focused SIer, worked as a network engineer managing major domestic network authentication systems and system replacements. After transferring to the development division, involved in various projects including maintenance and system replacement for educational business companies and entertainment services.
- Java (Spring) / PHP (Laravel) / MySQL
Developed SwiftUI implementation for the location-sharing app "whoo" and features like sending stamps on maps and friend messaging to increase user engagement.
- Technologies Used
- SwiftUI / MapKit / CoreLocation
Developed using Quasar multi-platform development technology, mainly responsible for screen replacement in the new app, including health screens.
- For personal information, please visit: