A simplified, iterative Java implementation of the Linux crunch tool.
Standard crunch is well-written, however it's also:
- implemented recursively
- requires a particular alphabet input format
- written entirely in an (arguably) hard-to-read single, sprawling, vanilla C sourcefile
While crunch is highly optimized, this iterative Java implementation competes against it quite admirably.
This Java version:
- scales linearly w/respect to original crunch (+ JVM overhead, generally adds seconds)
- neither prints any statistics nor has a 3 second delay prior to launch
- does not currently implement most of the various options available w/standard crunch
My thoughts in writing this were that such a simple and fast implementation can be easily modified to suite your needs where crunch may have failed you. I hope somebody finds it useful.
# compile crunchy
javac Crunchy.java
# execute on default alphabet from 3 5 chars
java Crunchy 3 5 > crunchy.txt
See source for latest args.
At this writing: Crunchy [minLen] maxLen [alphabet] [debugMode=false]
If you provide only maxLen, then minLen == maxLen.