This is a supermodule to build, test, bundle and deploy all Java/Maven modules of the EPICS Core Libraries. It also contains the EPICS parent POM that is inherited by all modules, and provides a convenience dependency POM that can be used by other projects to depend on a matching set of the EPICS Core libraries.
Maven submodules/directories/projects contain the code of EPICS Core:
- pvDataJava
- pvAccessJava
- normativeTypesJava
- epics-util
- epics-vtype
- gpclient
One submodule creates the distribution tar/zip archives:
- bundleJava
One directory/project provides the dependency POM:
- epics-core
One (dummy) directory/project deploys the libraries to Maven Central:
- epics-deploy
This profile (enabled by default) adds the directories/projects bundleJava as subprojects.
Disable this profile when deploying to Maven repositories, as the artifacts of these subprojects contain applications and no libraries.
This profile adds GPG signing of all artifacts.
Enable this profile when releasing/deploying to Sonatype / Maven Central repositories, as Sonatype requires all uploaded artifacts to be signed.