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A helm chart to deploy krakend using the assumptions from the infratographer project


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Version: 0.1.34 Type: application AppVersion: 2.7.0

This is a helm chart that deploys a Krakend instance.


A Helm chart for deploying in Kubernetes provided and maintained by your friends at Equinix Metal


  • Add the Equinix Metal helm repository
helm repo add equinixmetal
  • Install the helm chart using default values
helm install krakend equinixmetal/krakend

If you are using your own chart, reference the following to your chart's dependencies:

  - name: krakend
    version: v0.1.16
    repository: ""


There are two main modes of operation:

  • configMap-based: the configuration is stored in a configMaps and mounted in the container.

  • all-in-one image: the configuration is stored in the container image itself.

Note that the all-in-one image method assumes that the configuration is stored in the /etc/krakend-src/config path. This is done to allow for mounting the license as describe in the section below.

Both modes of operation enable the flexible configuration feature. For the all-in-one image, this is done so that the configuration can take environment variables into use.

Note that for a further description on how to use partials, settings and templates, please refer to the official krakend documentation.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} The affinity to use for the krakend pod
autoscaling object {"annotations":{},"behavior":{},"enabled":false,"maxReplicas":3,"minReplicas":1,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":50,"targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage":50} Configures HorizontalPodAutoscaler for your Deployment
deploymentAnnotations object {} The annotations to use for the krakend deployment
deploymentType string "deployment" The deployment type to use for the krakend service Valid values are deployment and rollout
extraVolumeMounts array [] extraVolumeMounts allows you to mount extra volumes to the krakend pod
extraVolumes array [] extraVolumes allows you to mount extra volumes to the krakend pod
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The image pull policy to use
image.registry string "" The image registry to use
image.repository string "devopsfaith/krakend" The image repository to use
image.tag string "2.7.2" The image tag to use
imagePullSecrets list [] List of secrets containing the credentials to use for the image
ingress object {"annotations":{},"className":"","enabled":false,"hosts":[{"host":"chart-example.local","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"ImplementationSpecific"}]}],"tls":[]} The ingress settings to use for the krakend ingress
ingress.annotations object {} The annotations to use for the ingress
ingress.className string "" The class to use for the ingress
ingress.enabled bool false Specifies whether an ingress should be created
ingress.hosts list [{"host":"chart-example.local","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"ImplementationSpecific"}]}] The list of hosts to use for the ingress
keda object {"behavior":{},"cooldownPeriod":300,"enabled":false,"maxReplicas":3,"minReplicas":1,"pollingInterval":30,"restoreToOriginalReplicaCount":false,"scaledObject":{"annotations":{}},"triggers":[]} Configures a keda ScaledObject for your Deployment. It's mutually exclusive with hpa autoscaling
krakend.allInOneImage bool false Whether the given krakend image to be used contains everything needed for the krakend service to run. If set to false, the image will be used as a base image and the configuration will be loaded from the configmap. Note that the all-in-one image assumes the krakend configuration is located at /etc/krakend-src/config/krakend.tmpl
krakend.config string, optional "" If set, this key will contain the full configuration of the krakend service
krakend.configFileSource string, optional "" an external file relative path, will contain the full configuration of the krakend service. useful if config file is generated with flexible config
krakend.env array [] The environment variables to use for the krakend container. The default is just the ones needed to enable flexible configuration.
krakend.extraConfig object {"router":{"@comment":"The health endpoint checks do not show in the logs","logger_skip_paths":["/__health"]}} The service-level "extra_config" settings. This will directly be translated to JSON and is added only if you're not fully overriding the configuration via the config setting. For more information, see
krakend.partials Object {"endpoints.tmpl":"[\n {\n \"endpoint\": \"/test\",\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"backend\": [\n {\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"host\": [],\n \"url_pattern\": \"/__debug/roots\",\n \"encoding\": \"json\",\n \"deny\": [\n \"message\"\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"extra_config\": {\n \"proxy\": {\n \"static\": {\n \"data\": {\n \"collection\": [\n {\n \"directories\": [\n \"Graceland\"\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"version\": \"deficient\"\n },\n \"strategy\": \"always\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"output_encoding\": \"json\"\n }\n]","input_headers.tmpl":"\"input_headers\": [\n \"Content-Type\",\n \"ClientId\"\n]","rate_limit_backend.tmpl":"\"qos/ratelimit/proxy\": {\n \"max_rate\": 0.5,\n \"capacity\": 1\n}"} The default configuration has a partials files that will be used to load several aspects of the configuration. If you want to include expra partials, add or remove them here.
krakend.partialsDirSource string, optional "" an external file relative path, will contain the partial configuration files of the krakend service.
krakend.settings object {"service.json":"{\n\t\"environment\": \"PRODUCTION\",\n\t\"default_host\": \"http://localhost:8080\",\n\t\"timeout\": \"3s\",\n\t\"cache_ttl\": \"3s\",\n\t\"output_encoding\": \"json\"\n}"} The default configuration has a settings files that will be used to load several aspects of the configuration.
krakend.settingsDirSource string, optional "" an external file relative path, will contain the setting configuration files of the krakend service.
krakend.templates object {} While default configuration does not take into use templates; you may want to add your own templates here. Note that you'd need to set a custom configuration file to use them.
krakend.templatesDirSource string, optional "" an external file relative path, will contain the template configuration files of the krakend service.
lifecycle object {} Krakend container lifecycle hooks (PostStart, PreStop)
livenessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/__health","port":"http"}} The livenessProbe to use for the krakend pod
nameOverride string ""
networkPolicies object {"enabled":false,"policies":[{"name":"allow-namespace1","namespace":"namespace1","type":"ingress"}]} The networkPolicies configures ingress NetworkPolicies for your application
networkPolicies.enabled bool false Set to true to create NetworkPolicies for your application
networkPolicies.policies list [{"name":"allow-namespace1","namespace":"namespace1","type":"ingress"}] List of NetworkPolicy objects
networkPolicies.policies[0] object {"name":"allow-namespace1","namespace":"namespace1","type":"ingress"} Name of the NetworkPolicy
networkPolicies.policies[0].namespace string "namespace1" Name of the namespace allowed to reach (or be reached by) your application
networkPolicies.policies[0].type string "ingress" Type of the network policy (ingress or egress)
nodeSelector object {} The nodeSelector to use for the krakend pod
podAnnotations object {} The annotations to use for the krakend pod
podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":false,"maxUnavailable":"","minAvailable":1,"unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy":""} podDisruptionBudget allows you to define minumum and maximum available pods
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Set to true to create a default ServiceMonitor for your application
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string "" maximum available pods
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 minimum available pods
podDisruptionBudget.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy string "" UnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy defines the criteria for when unhealthy pods should be considered for eviction
podLabels object {} Labels to use for the krakend pod
podSecurityContext object {} The securityContext to use for the krakend pod
readinessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/__health","port":"http"}} The readinessProbe to use for the krakend pod
replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas to deploy
resources object {} The resources to use for the krakend pod
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"add":["NET_BIND_SERVICE"],"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000} The securityContext to use for the krakend container
service object {"annotations":{},"externalTrafficPolicy":"","metrics":{"enabled":false,"port":9100,"targetPort":9100},"port":80,"targetPort":8080,"type":"ClusterIP"} The service settings to use for the krakend service
service.annotations object {} The annotations to use for the service
service.externalTrafficPolicy string "" The External Traffic Policy of the service
service.metrics object {"enabled":false,"port":9100,"targetPort":9100} The service settings to reach the metrics port
service.metrics.enabled bool false Specifies whether the metrics port is reachable
service.metrics.port int 9100 The port to use for the metrics service
service.metrics.targetPort int 9100 The target port to use for the metrics service
service.port int 80 The port to use for the service
service.targetPort int 8080 The target port to use for the service
service.type string "ClusterIP" The type of service to use
serviceAccount.annotations object {} The annotations to use for the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitor object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","scrapeTimeout":"10s","targetPort":9091} The serviceMonitor configures a ServiceMonitor for your application
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Set to true to create a default ServiceMonitor for your application
serviceMonitor.interval string "10s" Interval for scrape metrics.
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "10s" time out interval when scraping metrics
serviceMonitor.targetPort int 9091 prometheus metrics port exposed by krakend
strategy object {} The strategy for the krakend deployment. This can either be a deployment or a rollout strategy. For more information on the Argo Rollout strategy, see
tolerations object [] The tolerations to use for the krakend pod
topologySpreadConstraints array [] The topologySpreadConstraints to use for the krakend pod




Ensure that the documentation is up to date before pushing a pull request:



There is a useful Makefile target that's useful to cut a release. So, simply do:


And the release will happen.

Note that this project follows the Semantic Versioning scheme, so make sure to follow it when cutting releases.

The TAG Makefile variable takes a release version without the v prefix. For example, if you want to cut a release with version v1.2.3, you'd do:

TAG=1.2.3 make release

Using Enterprise Enterprise is a commercial product that extends the capabilities of the open source API Gateway. It is available as a Docker image that can be used as a drop-in replacement for the open source image.

In order to configure the helm chart to use it, you'd need a values file similar as the following:

  repository: krakend/krakend-ee
  tag: "2.1.2"
  - name: license
    mountPath: /etc/krakend/LICENSE
    readOnly: true
  - name: license
      secretName: krakend-license

Note the mount of the license file in the /etc/krakend/LICENSE path.