PrivadoApp is an Android application developed to enhance users' communication experience by providing various features such as chatting, video calling, and anonymity within a single platform.
- Chatting
- Video calling
- Anonymity
- And much more!
- Firebase (Auth, DB, Cloud Messaging...)
- Coroutines
- Agora Video Call Service
- Google Play Billing System
- Google Admob
- Retrofit - OkHttp3
- Location Services
- Shared Preferences
- Camera2
- Glide
- Biometric
- LifeCycle Process
- Dagger and Hilt
- Navigation Component
- RecyclerView - Adapter
- View Animation
- Bottom Sheet
PrivadoApp on Google Play Store
We welcome your ideas and support to further enhance PrivadoApp's success! Your feedback and contributions are valuable to us.