Background terminal position tracking for Ubuntu Touch devices.
- Thanks to gpx-py :
- Record into a gpx file your trip into Download folder,
- Auto-import trip into activitytracker,
- Realtime recording of your position into Phonetrack
- 0.3
- Auto import into activitytracker
- Realtime tracking into PhoneTrack
- Harden and cleanup code
- Better use of the binary test_gps
- Add debug information
- Add help menu
- Renaming of the script
- migrate to github
- 0.2 update UI
- 0.1 intial release
- Depending of the Ubuntu Touch version and AppArmor security, you might need to run this app into an iperspace. See Currently RC and Stable requires this tool.
- Terminal app has to be allowed to run in background with the app ubuntu tweak tool
To start the application, it's required to be in the folder of the python script and be launched with sudo. By default Utrack creates a gpx file at the end of the run, for extra features argument needs to be passed to the script :
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ cd /opt/
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/opt/$ sudo ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--cloud CLOUD] [-d] [-activity]
Utouch tracker options.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cloud CLOUD Add Phonetrack address to enable cloud recording, address
-d create a debug file /tmp/Utrack_log.txt
-activity Auto import the trip to Activity tracker application
Thus to record a gpx file + pushing it to Activitytracker the following is required : sudo ./ -activity
To record a gps file + Activitytracker + phonetrack : sudo ./ -activity --cloud
- The application is located in the folder /opt/, in order to ovoid each time to write down this path, let's create a bash alias doing that for you.
- open ~/.bashrc by
nano ~/.bashrc
- add the following :
alias GPS="cd /opt/ && sudo ./"
- close the terminal and reopen it,
- To start the recording by calling the shortcut
I've two alias one with the other without --cloud argument.