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euzu edited this page May 15, 2024 · 6 revisions


If the config web_ui_enabled is false this config is ignored.

web_ui_enabled: true
  enabled: true
  secret: very.secret.secret
  issuer: m3u_filter
  userfile: user.txt
  • web_auth can be deactivated if enabled is set to false. If not set default is true.
  • secret is used for jwt token generation.
  • userfile is the file where the ui users are stored. if the filename is not absolute m3u-filter will look into the config_dir. if userfileis not given the default value is user.txt

For example you can generate a secret key for jwt with: node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'))"

The userfile has the format username: password per line. Example:

test: $argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$QUpBWW5uellicTFRUU1tR0RVYVVEUTN5UEJDaWNWQnI3Rm1aNU1xZ3VUSWc3djZJNjk5cGlkOWlZTGFHajllSw$3HHEnLmHW07pjE97Inh85RTi6VN6wbV27sT2hHzGgXk
nobody: $argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$Y2FROE83ZDQ1c2VaYmJ4VU9YdHpuZ2c2ZUwzVkhlRWFpQk80YVhNMEJCSlhmYk8wRE16UEtWemV2dk81cmNaNw$BB81wmEm/faku/dXenC9wE7z0/pt40l4YGh8jl9G2ko

The password can be generated with ( /opt/m3u-filter/config should be replaced with your path)

./m3u-filter  -p /opt/m3u-filter/config --genpwd

or with docker

docker container exec -it m3u-filter ./m3u-filter --genpwd

The encrypted pasword needs to be added manually into the users file.

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