Vue.js plugin for generating ICalendar (.ics) files.
npm install vue-ics --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import ICS from 'vue-ics'
Vue.use(ICS, options)
{string} uidDomain - Your domain
{string} prodId - Product ID
{string} language - Language in format en-us (default)
{string} subject - Subject/Title of event
{string} description - Description of event
{string} location - Location of event
{string} begin - Beginning date of event
{string} stop - Ending date of event
{string} url - URL (optional)
{object} organizer - Organizer
{string} name - Organizer name
{string} email - Organizer email
{RRule} rrule - Reccurence rule (optional)
this.$ics.addEvent(language, subject, description, location, begin, stop, url, organizer, rrule)
You can add one or more events.
You can add recurrence rule for your event. Event will be repeat as you want.
const rrule = {
freq: 'WEEKLY',
until: until,
interval: 1
{string} freq - Required. The frequency of event recurrence. Can be DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or YEARLY.
{string | number | Date} until - date stringA date string representing the date on which to end repitition. Must be friendly to Date()
{number} interval - The interval of freq to recur at. For example, if freq is WEEKLY and interval is 2, the event will repeat every 2 weeks
{array} byday - Which days of the week the event is to occur. An array containing any of SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA
##Download calendar file
{string} fileName - name of file without extension (will be *.ics)