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Privleged User


Privileged User Access (PUA) is basically federation without SAML or the requirement for applications to support some sort of exotic method of authentication. It's able to extend the principles of zero-trust to legacy apps as well as support modern, web-based applications.

This solution is based on the ability of F5 Access Policy Manager (APM) to act as a credential proxy along with its capability to automatically general ephemeral credentials. In a nutshell, users are authenticated against a corporate credential store (domain controller, LDAP) and then APM generates ephemeral credentials that can be used to log in to the protected system.

Getting Started


docker (or compatible) - Installation Instructions

Step 1: Installation

There are a few options to download the application

  1. Download the docker-compose.yaml and env.sample files
# Download via shel
# Edit the following file with device secrets as required (see "Configure .env" below)
cp env.sample .env
  1. Clone the repo
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd privileged-user-access
# Edit the following file with device secrets as required (see "Configure .env" below)
cp env.sample .env
  1. Download latest source tarball from the release section.
# Clone the repo
tar -zxf source.tar.gz 
cd source
# Edit the following file with device secrets as required (see "Configure .env" below)
cp env.sample .env
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd privileged-user-access
# Edit the following file with device secrets as required (see "Configure .env" below)
cp env.sample .env
# Start the tool
docker-compose up

Step 2: Configuring .env

Setting Device Authenication/secrets

The PUA tool default configuration relies on environment variables which contain device access credentials. There are a number of ways to manage and inject secrets into a container environment (modifications to the docker-compose file to support your preferred management process are encouraged), but for simplicity, the .env file in the root project directory is mounted.

When declaring a device secret, you must create an key/value pair in .env file for which

  1. the key has the form "BIGIP_A_B_C_D". Where "A_B_C_D can be one of the following with the "." replaced by "_" a. Device IP b. Device Hostname

  2. the value is a. username:password - provide the username and password separated by ":" b. iControlRest (iCR) Token - Proved the Alphanumneric string generated by BigIP

Note : When using an iCR Token, please be aware of the token timeout

Please reference the following examples:

# Example 1: For BigIP with IP[], username[userfoo] & password[bar123]

# Example 2 : For BigIP with IP[] and iCR Token [UE6X6OYOX343434343XGY2MYCKR]

# Example 1: For BigIP with hostname[], username[userfoo] & password[bar123]

The variable name (the part on the left of the equal sign) must contain the IP address of the BigIP separated by "_"

Account Permissions

Since the tool will configure the BigIP, read-write access is required.

Secure communications

PUA expects a valid TLS cert bundle. The configuration parameter BIGIP_VERIFY_CERT defaults to true. Installers that would like to opt-in to run in an insecure TLS mode must set BIGIP_VERIFY_CERT: false and understand that the connection between the PUA Applicator and the BIG-IP does not have secure TLS termination.

Configure CA File

If the device has an internally signed certificate, you can mount and use your CA file, you must copy the CA cert file into the directory specified by the PUA_USER_CERTS directory

Step 3: PUA Applicator tool

Once the above configurations have been made, the tool can be started with:

docker compose up

Step 4: Configure your deployment

The Applicator UI can be accessed at http://<hostname>:8080/ui.

Instructions on how to configure PUA can be found in Configuring PUA


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