This is a sample code showing how to call Famark Cloud API to store and retrieve data through client side JavaScript.
- This example requires Famark Cloud Instance, you can register free instance or sign in to your existing instance or download Famark Cloud for Windows or Linux platforms from
- This example performs Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) actions on Contact entity present in Business Solution, so make sure you have the Business solution installed in your instance, if not then goto:-
Solutions > more actions (...) > Import Solution > Import From Store > Business Solution Install > Import Solution
- Create a
UI > Site
in your Famark Cloud instance and upload the included HTML and JS files to that Site (from Properties panel on right selecting attachments). Then browse this file from the Site on Famark Cloud. Trying to run this script as a local file or on a different host will cause CORS issue.
If you are running the cloud instance on your own system then you will need to setup a http proxy like nginx to map same hostname with the host api service and website running on different ports.
You can modify the code to perform CRUD operations on your own entities.