The "Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr to the Desktop" section was moved to the "Set location of the "Desktop", "Documents" "Downloads" "Music", "Pictures", and "Videos"" section
- Fixes saving a screenshot when it was saved in the old desktop folder if the path to the desktop was changed after that.
Reorganized the "UI & Personalization" directive
Removed unnecessary keys in the "OneDrive" section. To remove them, execute
Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive -Force Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive -Name DisablePersonalSync -Force
Removed "Remove printers" section;
Added "Sticky Notes" app to the exclusion list of a "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts except" section;
Minor changes.