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A simple, easy to use, fully featured, definitive, thread pool API for C


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Another simple, easy to use, effective but fully featured thread pool API for C language

This API implements a task parallelization mechanism based on the thread pool pattern.

alt text


The thread pool pattern allows to run parallel tasks easily without the burden of thread management.

The user:

  1. declares a thread pool and chooses the maximum number of parallel workers in charge of the execution of tasks (threadpool_create_and_start ()) ;
  2. submits tasks to the thread pool that will pass it to one of available workers (threadpool_add_task ()) and will be executed asynchronously;
  3. waits for all the tasks to be completed (threadpool_wait_and_destroy ()).


Interface Implementation
wqm.h wqm.c


Basic functionalities

Function Description
threadpool_create_and_start Create and start a new pool of workers
threadpool_add_task Add a task to the pool of workers
threadpool_cancel_task Cancel all pending tasks, the last or next submitted task, or a specific task
threadpool_wait_and_destroy Wait for all the tasks to be done and destroy the pool of workers

Those features are detailed below.

Advanced functionalities

Function Description
threadpool_global_data Access the user defined shared global data of the pool of workers
threadpool_worker_local_data Access the user defined local data of a worker
threadpool_set_monitor Set a user-defined function to retrieve and display monitoring information

Those features are detailed below.

Unique features

This implementation of a thread pool brings unique features, not found anywhere else at the time of writing.

  1. It uses the standard (minimalist) C11 thread library <threads.h>, rather the POSIX threads. It can therefore be ported more easily to systems other than unix-like systems.
  2. The data passed to tasks (via threadpool_add_task ()) can be accessed, retrieved and released multi-thread-safely after completion of the task (via the user defined function job_delete ()), allowing collecting data at task termination.
  3. Global data can be defined and accessed (via threadpool_global_data ()) by all tasks.
  4. Local data can be defined and accessed (via threadpool_worker_local_data ()) for each worker of the thread pool.
  5. Workers will stay alive for a short idle time, ready to process new submitted tasks, even though threadpool_wait_and_destroy () has already been called and no tasks are available, as long as some other tasks are still being processed and could therefore create new tasks dynamically.
  6. The activity of the thread pool can be monitored and displayed by a front-end user defined function (via threadpool_set_monitor ()).
  7. Pending tasks can be canceled after submission (via threadpool_cancel_task ()).

Those features are detailed below.

Detailed API

The API is defined in file wqm.h.

1. Create a thread pool

struct threadpool *threadpool_create_and_start (size_t nb_workers,
                                                void *global_data,
                                                void *(*make_local) (void *global_data),
                                                void (*delete_local) (void *local_data, void *global_data))

A thread pool is declared and started with a call to threadpool_create_and_start ().

The first argument nb_workers is the number of required workers, that is the maximum number of tasks that can be executed in parallel by the system.

  • NB_CPU can be used as first argument to fit to the number of processors currently available in the system (as returned by get_nprocs () with GNU C standard library).
  • SEQUENTIAL can be used as first argument to create a sequential thread pool: tasks will be executed asynchronously, one at a time, and in the order there were submitted.

The maximum number of workers can be defined higher than the number of CPUs as workers will be started only when solicited and will be released when unused after an idle time.

  • The second argument global_data, if not null, is a pointer to global data. This pointer can next be retrieved by tasks with the function threadpool_global_data ().
  • The third argument make_local, if not null, is a user defined function that returns a pointer to data for a local usage by a worker. This pointer can next be retrieved by tasks with the function threadpool_worker_local_data (). make_local is called in a multi-thread-safe manner at the initialization of a worker and is passed the pointer to global data. make_local can therefore safely access (and update) the content of global_data if needed.
  • The fourth argument delete_local, if not null, is a user defined function that is executed to release and destroys the local data used by each worker (passed as an argument) when a worker stops. delete_local is called in a multi-thread-safe manner at the termination of a worker and is passed the pointer to global data. delete_local can therefore safely access (and update) the content of global_data if needed (to gather results or statistics for instance).

2. Submit a task

size_t threadpool_add_task (struct threadpool *threadpool,
                            int (*work) (struct threadpool * threadpool, void *job),
                            void *job,
                            void (*job_delete) (void *job))

A task is submitted to the thread pool with a call to threadpool_add_task ().

  • The first argument threadpool is a thread pool returned by a previous call to threadpool_create_and_start ().
  • The second argument work is a user defined function to be executed by a worker of the thread pool on job. This function work should return 0 on success, non 0 otherwise. This function receives the thread pool and a pointer to a job as arguments. Therefore, work can itself (multi-thread-safely) call threadpool_add_task, threadpool_global_data or threadpool_worker_local_data if needed.
  • The third argument job is the data to be used by the task and that will be processed by work.

The function threadpool_add_task returns a unique id of the submitted task, or 0 on error (with errno set to ENOMEM).

  • The fourth argument job_delete, if not null, is a user defined function called at termination of the task. This function receives the job of the task as an argument. It is called in a multi-thread-safe manner and can therefore safely aggregate results to those of previous tasks for instance (in a map and reduce pattern for instance).

job_delete should be used if the job was allocated dynamically in order to release and destroy the data after use. job_delete could as well be called manually (rather than passed as an argument to threadpool_add_task) at the very end of work (), but it would then not be executed multi-thread-safely, forbidding any aggregation.

free () is the simplest possible choice for job_delete. But job_delete can also be used to do more than simply release jobs, to retrieve data used and possibly modified by the processed task in a multi-thread-safe manner. For instance, a job could be declared as a structure containing the input data of the task and its result.

typedef struct {
  struct { ... } input;
  struct { ... } result;
} job;

The result could then be retrieved by the user defined function job_delete in a multi-thread-safe manner and aggregated in a global result.

3. Cancel tasks

size_t threadpool_cancel_task (struct threadpool *threadpool, size_t task_id)

Previously submitted and still pending tasks can be canceled. task_id is:

  • either a unique id returned by a previous call to threadpool_add_task ;
  • or ALL_TASKS to cancel all still pending tasks ;
  • or NEXT_TASK to cancel the next still pending submitted task (it can be used several times in a row) ;
  • or LAST_TASK to cancel the last still pending submitted task (it can be used several times in a row).

Canceled tasks won't be processed, but job_delete, as optionally passed to threadpool_add_task, will be called though.

The function returns the number of canceled tasks, if any.

4. Wait for all submitted tasks to be completed

void threadpool_wait_and_destroy (struct threadpool *threadpool)

The single argument threadpool is a thread pool returned by a previous call to threadpool_create_and_start (). This function declares that all the tasks have been submitted. It then waits for all the tasks to be completed by workers. threadpool should not be used after a call to threadpool_wait_and_destroy ().

5. Monitor the thread pool activity

A monitoring of the thread pool activity can optionally be activated by calling

threadpool_monitor_handler threadpool_set_monitor (struct threadpool *threadpool, threadpool_monitor_handler new)

A user-defined handler function is passed as second argument, with signature

void (*threadpool_monitor_handler) (struct threadpool_monitor)

This handler will be called to retrieve and display information about the activity of the tread pool. It :

  • will be called when the state of the thread pool changes,
  • will be called asynchronously, without interfering with the execution of workers (actually, a sequential dedicated thread pool is used),
  • will be executed multi-thread-safely,
  • will not be called not after threadpool_wait_and_destroy has been called.

The monitoring data are passed to the handler function in a structure threadpool_monitor which contains:

  • struct threadpool *threadpool: the thread pool for which the monitoring handler is called ;
  • float time: the elapsed seconds since the creation of the thread pool ;
  • size_t max_nb_workers: the maximum number of workers, as defined at the creation of the thread pool ;
  • size_t nb_processing_tasks: the number of active workers, i.e. processing a task ;
  • size_t nb_idle_workers: the number of idle worker, i.e. waiting (some time) for a task to process ;
  • size_t nb_pending_tasks: the number of tasks submitted to the thread pool and not yet processed or being processed ;
  • size_t nb_succeeded_tasks: the number of already processed and succeeded tasks by the thread pool (a task is considered successful when work, the function passed to threadpool_add_task, returns 0) ;
  • size_t nb_failed_tasks: the number of already processed and failed tasks by the thread pool (a task is considered failed when work, the function passed to threadpool_add_task, does not return 0) ;
  • size_t nb_canceled_tasks: the number of canceled tasks.


An example of the usage of thread pool is given in files qsip_wc.c and qsip_wc_test.c.

  • qsip_wc.c is an attempt to implement a parallelized version of the quick sort algorithm (using a thread pool);

    • It uses features such as global data, worker local data, dynamic creation and deletion of jobs.
    • It reveals that parallelizing quick sort is inefficient due to thread management overhead.
  • qsip_wc_test.c is an example of a thread pool that sorts several arrays using the above parallelized version of the quick sort algorithm.

    • It uses features such as global data, worker local data, task cancellation and monitoring.

Type make to compile and run the example. Running this example yields:

$ make
cc -O   -c -o wqm.o wqm.c
cc -O   -c -o qsip_wc.o qsip_wc.c
cc -O    qsip_wc_test.c qsip_wc.o wqm.o   -o qsip_wc_test
wqm.o:0000000000000010 R ALL_TASKS
wqm.o:0000000000000000 R LAST_TASK
wqm.o:0000000000000020 R NB_CPU
wqm.o:0000000000000008 R NEXT_TASK
wqm.o:0000000000000018 R SEQUENTIAL
wqm.o:00000000000001f2 T threadpool_add_task
wqm.o:0000000000000926 T threadpool_cancel_task
wqm.o:000000000000004f T threadpool_create_and_start
wqm.o:000000000000091d T threadpool_global_data
wqm.o:00000000000004b5 T threadpool_set_monitor
wqm.o:0000000000000542 T threadpool_wait_and_destroy
wqm.o:000000000000062d T threadpool_worker_local_data
qsip_wc.o:000000000000031a T qsip
Sorting 1,000,000 elements (multi-threaded quick sort in place), 100 times:
Initializing 100,000,000 random numbers...
7 workers requested and processing...
(=) succeeded tasks, (X) failed tasks, (*) processing tasks, (.) pending tasks, (/) canceled tasks, (-) idle workers.
[0x613036dea860][    0.0000s]
[0x613036dea860][    0.0002s] .
[0x613036dea860][    0.0003s] ..
[0x613036dea860][    0.0003s] ...
[0x613036dea860][   20.2429s] ========================================================================**//////////////////////////---
[0x613036dea860][   20.2509s] ========================================================================**//////////////////////////--
[0x613036dea860][   20.2683s] =========================================================================*//////////////////////////---
[0x613036dea860][   20.2862s] =========================================================================*//////////////////////////--
[0x613036dea860][   20.2976s] ==========================================================================//////////////////////////--
[0x613036dea860][   20.2976s] ==========================================================================//////////////////////////-
[0x613036dea860][   20.2976s] ==========================================================================//////////////////////////


The API is implemented in C11 (file wqm.c) using the standard C thread library <threads.h>. It is highly inspired from the great book "Programming with POSIX Threads" written by David R. Butenhof, 21st ed., 2008, Addison Wesley.

It has been heavily tested, but bugs are still possible. Please don't hesitate to report them to me.

Management of workers

Workers are started automatically when needed, that is when a new task is submitted whereas all workers are already booked. Workers are running in parallel, asynchronously. Each worker can process a task at a time. A task is processed as soon as a worker is available.

A worker stops when all submitted tasks have been processed or after an idle time (half a second). Idle workers are kept ready for new tasks for a short time and are then stopped automatically to release system resources.

For instance, say a task requires 2 seconds to be processed and the maximum idle delay for a worker is half a second:

  • if the task is repeatedly submitted every 3 seconds to the thread pool, one worker will be created and activated on submission, and stopped after completion of the task and an idle time (of half a second).
  • if the task is submitted every 2.4 seconds to the thread pool, one worker will be created and activated on submission, kept idle and ready for the next task.
  • if the task is submitted every 2 seconds, one worker will be active to process the tasks.
  • if the task is submitted every second, two workers will be active to process the tasks.
  • if the rate of submitted tasks is very high, the maximum number of workers (as passed to threadpool_create_and_start ()) will be active.

Therefore, the number for workers automatically adapts to the rate and duration for tasks.

That's it. Have fun and let me know!

Zed is dead, but C is not.


A simple, easy to use, fully featured, definitive, thread pool API for C





