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Some katas from Codewars on Java.


Profile on Codewars: fartem.


8 kyu

Name Link to Codewars Link to solution
Abbreviate a Two Word Name Link Link
Age Range Compatibility Equation Link Link
altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe Link Link
A Needle in the Haystack Link Link
Array plus array Link Link
Basic variable assignment Link Link
Calculate average Link Link
Calculate BMI Link Link
Century From Year Link Link
Color Ghost Link Link
Convert a Boolean to a String Link Link
Convert a Number to a String! Link Link
Convert a String to a Number Link Link
Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'. Link Link
Convert number to reversed array of digits Link Link
Convert to Binary Link Link
Counting sheep... Link Link
Count Odd Numbers below n Link Link
Count of positives / sum of negatives Link Link
Count the Monkeys! Link Link
DNA to RNA Conversion Link Link
Even or Odd Link Link
Expressions Matter Link Link
Fake Binary Link Link
Find Nearest square number Link Link
Find numbers which are divisible by given number Link Link
Find the position! Link Link
FIXME: Replace all dots Link Link
Formatting decimal places #0 Link Link
get character from ASCII Value Link Link
Ghost code?! Link Link
Hex to Decimal Link Link
How do I compare numbers? Link Link
Invert value Link Link
Is it a number? Link Link
Is n divisible by x and y? Link Link
Jenny's secret message Link Link
L1: Set Alarm Link Link
Leonardo Dicaprio and Oscars Link Link
MakeUpperCase Link Link
No zeros for heros Link Link
N-th Power Link Link
Number toString Link Link
Opposite number Link Link
Opposites Attract Link Link
Parse nice int from char problem Link Link
Printing Array elements with Comma delimiters Link Link
Push a hash/an object into array Link Link
Remove First and Last Character Link Link
Remove String Spaces Link Link
Return Negative Link Link
Reversed sequence Link Link
Reversed Strings Link Link
Reversed Words Link Link
Sentence Smash Link Link
Simple multiplication Link Link
Sort and Star Link Link
Sort My Textbooks Link Link
Square(n) Sum Link Link
Squash the bugs Link Link
Stringy Strings Link Link
Subtract the Sum Link Link
Sum Mixed Array Link Link
Sum of positive Link Link
Sum without highest and lowest number Link Link
Swap Values Link Link
"this" is a problem Link Link
Total amount of points Link Link
Twice as old Link Link
Welcome to the City Link Link

7 kyu

Name Link to Codewars Link to solution
All Inclusive? Link Link
Alphabetical Addition Link Link
Alphabet symmetry Link Link
Alternate capitalization Link Link
Alternate case Link Link
Ch4113ng3 Link Link
Changing letters Link Link
Closest to Zero Link Link
Count the Characters Link Link
Covfefe Link Link
C. Wars Link Link
Descending Order Link Link
Difference between two collections Link Link
FIXME: Get Full Name Link Link
FIXME: Let's split this joint Link Link
Find all pairs Link Link
Fix string case Link Link
Flatten and sort an array Link Link
Form The Largest Link Link
Form The Minimum Link Link
Fun with lists: indexOf Link Link
Fun with lists: length Link Link
Get the Middle Character Link Link
Greatest common divisor Link Link
Highest and Lowest Link Link
How many arguments Link Link
How many times does it contain? Link Link
Insert dashes Link Link
Inspiring Strings Link Link
Is valid identifier? Link Link
Last Link Link
Lunar Mathematics: Addition Link Link
Make a function that does arithmetic! Link Link
max diff - easy Link Link
Maximum Multiple Link Link
Maximum Product Link Link
Odd-Even String Sort Link Link
Ordering the words! Link Link
Overflowing with joy Link Link
Parts of a list Link Link
Regex validate PIN code Link Link
Remove duplicate words Link Link
Reverse a Number Link Link
Rotate for a Max Link Link
Row Weights Link Link
Santa's Naughty List Link Link
Shortest Word Link Link
Sort Out The Men From Boys Link Link
Spacify Link Link
Split In Parts Link Link
Square Every Digit Link Link
String ends with? Link Link
String Merge! Link Link
Sum of Odd Cubed Numbers Link Link
Sum of odd numbers Link Link
The 12 Days of Christmas Link Link
The Highest profit wins! Link Link
Two to One Link Link
Vowel Count Link Link

6 kyu

Name Link to Codewars Link to solution
A + B == 123 Link Link
Backwards Read Primes Link Link
Bit Counting Link Link
Calculate String Rotation Link Link
Change case Link Link
Consecutive strings Link Link
Convert string to camel case Link Link
Count the smiley faces! Link Link
Create Phone Number Link Link
Dashatize it Link Link
Data Reverse Link Link
Detect Pangram Link Link
Equal Sided Of An Array Link Link
Find the odd int Link Link
Find the unique number Link Link
Format words into a sentence Link Link
Hex class Link Link
Highest Scoring Word Link Link
Is a number prime? Link Link
Jurassic Word Link Link
Missing Alphabet Link Link
Multiples of 3 or 5 Link Link
Numericals of a String Link Link
Overflowing with longing Link Link
Password Maker Link Link
Persistent Bugger. Link Link
Primorial Of a Number Link Link
Roman Numerals Encoder Link Link
Rotate Array Link Link
Simple string indices Link Link
Sort the odd Link Link
Stop gninnipS My sdroW! Link Link
Sum consecutives Link Link
Sum of Digits / Digital Root Link Link
Sums of Parts Link Link
Throw without throwing Link Link
Valid Braces Link Link
Valid Phone Number Link Link
Versions manager Link Link
What is your country's currency symbol? Link Link
Who likes it? Link Link
Who won the election Link Link
World Bits War Link Link
Write Number in Expanded Form Link Link
Your order, please Link Link

5 kyu

Name Link to Codewars Link to solution
Count IP Addresses Link Link
Human Readable Time Link Link
int32 to IPv4 Link Link
Longest Common Subsequence Link Link
Merged String Checker Link Link
Simple Pig Latin Link Link
Sort - one, three, two Link Link

4 kyu

Name Link to Codewars Link to solution
Bagels Link Link
Count ones in a segment Link Link
Permutations Link Link