AutoGQL is a GraphQL GORM CRUD generator. It's a plugin for 99designs/gqlgen that helps you quickly create CRUD functionality for your application so you can focus on the unique aspects of your business
- Follow the steps from Gqlgen
- Create a folder
and add amain.go
inside. - Copy the following code into
package main
import (
func main() {
cfg, err := config.LoadConfigFromDefaultLocations()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "failed to load config", err.Error())
sqlPlugin, muateHookPlugin := autogql.NewAutoGqlPlugin(cfg)
err = api.Generate(cfg, api.AddPlugin(sqlPlugin), api.ReplacePlugin(muateHookPlugin))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
- Install dependencies
go mod tidy
- Add a example autogql struct to
type Company @SQL{
Name: String!
- Run the following command to generate the GQLgen code:
go run plugin/main.go
- Add SQL entity to
struct atresolver.go
type Resolver struct {
Sql *db.AutoGqlDB // this is the new line the package db is autogenerate by this plugin
- Add SQL GORM Connection(SQLite used as an example) to
import (
// ... more imports
func main() {
dbCon, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
dborm := db.NewAutoGqlDB(dbCon)
srv := handler.NewDefaultServer(generated.NewExecutableSchema(generated.Config{Resolvers: &graph.Resolver{Sql: &dborm} //.... <- here set dborm to resolver
Autogql is designed to work similarly to gorm for declaring database tables and relations. To get started, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with how gorm models work:
At gorm you describe Database tables and relations like this
type User struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primaryKey;autoIncrement:true"`
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"index"`
Name string
func (u User) Calculation() int {
return 10
With Autogql, you can describe GraphQL schemas and directives in the same way:
type User @SQL{
id: Int! @SQL_PRIMARY @SQL_GORM(value: "autoIncrement")
createdAt: Time
updatedAt: Time
deletedAt: SoftDelete #activate softdelete
name: String
calculation: Int! @SQL_GORM(value: "-")
In this example, the @SQL
directive tells Autogql that this type should be mapped to a GORM model. The @SQL_GORM
directive specifies the corresponding GORM tag for the field.
You can find more examples of Autogql schema descriptions in the test schema file. Autogql also allows you to define relationships between models using GORM's foreign key syntax:
type Cat @SQL(order: 4){
id: ID! @SQL_PRIMARY @SQL_GORM(value: "autoIncrement")
name: String!
birthDay: Time!
age: Int @SQL_GORM(value:"-")
userID: Int! #<--- foreign Key to user
alive: Boolean @SQL_GORM(value: "default:true")
type User @SQL(order: 2){
id: ID! @SQL_PRIMARY @SQL_GORM(value: "autoIncrement")
name: String!
createdAt: Time
updatedAt: Time
deletedAt: SoftDelete #activate softdelete
cat: Cat @SQL_GORM(value:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:SET NULL;")# <--- cat defintion. SQL_GORM not needed for relation only a constraint line
companyID: Int
company: Company
smartPhones: [SmartPhone]
In this example, the userID
field in the Cat
type is a foreign key that points to the id
field in the User
type. The @SQL_GORM
directive can be used to specify GORM tags for relationships, as well as other constraints.
To work with queries and mutations, Autogql will automatically generate them for you, as well as create resolvers and fill in GORM database code. Additionally, you can manipulate each query and mutation over hooks, as described in the db/db_gen.go
file. For an example of how to include hooks, check out the autogql_example repository and the hooks.go file.
Add the @SQL
directive to each type that you want managed by AutoGQL.
type Company @SQL{
It will autogenerate Queries and Mutations based on your GraphQL schema. Also, it will create resolvers and fill them with GORM Database code.
input SqlCreateExtension {
value: Boolean! # active this query or mutation
directiveExt: [String!] # add directive to query or mutation
input SqlMutationParams {
add: SqlCreateExtension
update: SqlCreateExtension
delete: SqlCreateExtension
directiveExt: [String!] # add directive to all mutation
input SqlQueryParams {
get: SqlCreateExtension
query: SqlCreateExtension
directiveExt: [String!] # add directive to all mutations
# order to define relations (if Type A(order: 1) have a releation to type B(order: 2)
directive @SQL(order: Int, query:SqlQueryParams, mutation: SqlMutationParams ) on OBJECT
# database primary key
# database index
# each gorm command ==> not all useable at the moment pls open issue if you find one
directive @SQL_GORM (value: String)on FIELD_DEFINITION
# to remove this value from input and patch generated Inputs
# to add a tag to input go struct
directive @SQL_INPUTTYPE_TAGS (value: [String!]) on FIELD_DEFINITION
#to add a directive to input graphql type (directive have to be decelerated with INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION or INPUT_OBJECT )
scalar Time #activated for createdAt, updatedAt etc
scalar SoftDelete # for deleteAt field for softdelete
If an field has Tag autoIncrement it will be not include into patch and input Types. f.E.:
type Cat @SQL{
id: Int! @SQL_PRIMARY @SQL_GORM(value: "autoIncrement") // id will be removed from add and patch types
name: String!
age: Int
userID: Int!
alive: Boolean @SQL_GORM(value: "default:true")
To use ID as autoIncrement Primary key you have to update gqlgen.yml
from :
to use Int instand of String
You can manipulate each Query and Mutation through Hooks. The Hooks descriptions are written in db/db_gen.go. For more information, see the autogql_example repository:
A default hook implementation will also be added to db package so you did not have to implement all hook functions:
type CompanyGetHook struct {
db.DefaultGetHook[model.Company, int]
func (g CompanyGetHook) BeforeCallDb(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) (*gorm.DB, error) {
// your implementation
return db, nil