docker-lightop is a login manager for various sessions, which are docker containers that provides their own web interface. Currently, this project provides sessions including,
- dorowu/lightop-ubuntu-trusty-ttyjs: a text-mode login interface for Ubuntu 14.04
- dorowu/lightop-ubuntu-trusty-lxde: a LXDE login interface for Ubuntu 14.04
When user login to the session, the container, if not exist, will be created immediatey. The user home folder(~) in every containers of the same user will be mounted to the same volume. The public folder located at /mnt/public, which shares to the all users of this service.
docker-lightop will help to route the network traffic, either http or websocket, to specific container accroding to the URL. For example, docker-lightop routes the request http://$IP:$PORT/u/ubuntu-trusty-ttyjs/ to the IP address of container named $USER_ubuntu-trusty-ttyjs
, where the service port is retrieved by image expose
configuration of the image.
Build yourself
docker build --rm -t dorowu/lightop .
docker build --rm -t dorowu/lightop-ubuntu-trusty-ttyjs docker-repo/ubuntu-trusty-ttyjs/
docker build --rm -t dorowu/lightop-ubuntu-trusty-lxde docker-repo/ubuntu-trusty-lxde
docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 6050:6050 -p 6051:6051 dorowu/lightop
that default account is admin/admin
curl -sq -XPOST -c cookies.txt -d 'username=admin&password=admin' http://$IP:6050/login
curl -sq -b cookies.txt http://$IP:6050/user/
curl -sq -b cookies.txt -XPOST -d "username=walker&password=walker" http://$IP:6050/user/
curl -sq -b cookies.txt http://$IP:6050/user/
curl -sq -b cookies.txt -XDELETE http://$IP:6050/user/2
curl -sq -b cookies.txt http://$IP:6050/session
curl -sq -b cookies.txt http://$IP:6050/container/
curl -sq -b cookies.txt -XDELETE http://$IP:6050/container/6a72a2e5c372