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Business APIs Integration with Feedhenry Apps


Most services on the web are provided based on HTTP protocols such as SOAP and REST.

This tutorial will teach how to:

  • Invoke an external SOAP service, parse the returned data and send data to the device
  • Invoke an external REST service, parse the returned data and sent data to the device
  • Mash-up data from different services and send data to device.
  • Use Javascript on the cloud.

Workbase Structure

SOAP Service Integration (v1 Branch)

Step 1 -- Prepare

Web Service Used

Mortgage Calculator: Use this Web service to figure out your monthly mortgage payment


Project Workbase

  • Create main.js in cloud folder --> main entries of Cloud services
  • Create mortgage.js in cloud folder --> Implementation of mortgage on Cloud.
  • Create mortgage.js in js folder on client --> Mortgage client-side service agent
  • Create bind.js in js folder on client --> Events Bindings definition
  • Add basic.css in css folder on client --> Some CSS definition
  • Add util.js in js folder on client --> Some utilities

Step 2 --- Implementation

Open mortgage.js in cloud folder with you favorite text editor and put following code inside:

   * Use this Web service to figure out your monthly mortgage payment.
  var mortgage = {
        SOAPUrl : "",
  	 * Calc mortgaeg based on user input.
  	 * Tutorial: How to wrap SOAP message and unwrap SOAP response.
  	getMortgage : function(years, interest,loanAmount,tax,insurance) {
  		 * Since SOAP calls are wrapped HTTP calls, in Javascript we have to wrap SOAP envelope manually or using a SOAP library in Javascript
  		var xmlContent = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' + 
  		'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">' + 
  		' <soap:Body>' + 
  		'   <GetMortgagePayment xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">' + 
  		'   <Years>'+years+'</Years>' + 
  		'   <Interest>'+interest+'</Interest>' + 
  		'   <LoanAmount>'+loanAmount+'</LoanAmount>' + 
  		'   <AnnualTax>'+tax+'</AnnualTax>' + 
  		'   <AnnualInsurance>'+insurance+'</AnnualInsurance>' + 
  		'   </GetMortgagePayment>' + 
  		' </soap:Body>' + 
  		var url=this.SOAPUrl;
  		//Webcall paramters.
  		var opt={
  			url : url,
  			method : "POST",
  			charset : 'UTF-8',
  			contentType : 'text/xml',
  			period : 3600
  		 //Feedhenry Web Call
  		var res= $fh.web(opt);
  		// getSOAPElement will return an xml object that exists in SOAP response
  		var xmlData=getSOAPElement("GetMortgagePaymentResult",res.body);
  		// construct final returned JSON object.
  		var rtnObj={
  		return rtnObj;

Please read the comments carefully to understand each step.

Write client-side code and link those files. Check out v2 branch to explore the code.

REST Service Integration (v2 Branch)

Step 1 -- Prepare

Web Service Used

Zendesk requests: Submit a new request or check requests that have been assigned to a user.

Zendesk URL:

Project Workbase

  • Create zendesk.js in cloud folder
  • Create zendesk.js in js folder on client

Step 2 --- Implementation

Open zendesk.js in cloud folder and put the following code inside:

        //REST exmaple
         * Help desk software is used by support desk agents (also called operators) to monitor the user environment for issues ranging from technical problems to user preferences and satisfaction.
         * Businesses typically use help desk software to:
         * answer commonly asked questions with an FAQ or knowledge base
         * track issues through their life-cycle
         * streamline and record customer interactions, including phone calls & live chats
         * Help desk software reduces the need to rely upon email-only support, reducing the number of transactions and missed or lost messages.
         * For more information about Zendesk REST please visit:
        var zendesk={
          zenDeskUrl : "", // Zendesk URL. This URL will expire in 30 days. Developers could register 1 for free for 30 days trails.
          agentAuth:"",  //agent that will create tickets for end-users. it is in username:password format. required by Zendesk API. Developers need to have 1 agent account to perform the operations.
          agentHeader:"X-On-Behalf-Of", // agent header is used by Zendesk to locate the end-users. required by Zendesk API
           * Create a new ticket with a email address
           * Tutorial: How to post a REST request with xml request body & How to parse and retrieve xml type response.
          newRequest:function(subject, content,userEmail){
              //Initiate a request template using XML Object.
              var requestBody=<ticket>
               var apiRelUrl="/tickets.xml"; //Relative api url
               // API absolute url
               var apiAbsUrl=this.zenDeskUrl+apiRelUrl;
               var auth=this.agentAuth;
               //pass user input to request body
               //prepare REST call
               var userOpt={
                    contentType:"application/xml", // contentype is  xml,  required by zendesk
                    method:"POST", // use POST method. required by zendesk
               //perform webcall
               var res=this.webcall(apiAbsUrl,auth,userOpt);
               //check status header returned
               var status=this.getHeader(res,"Status");
               if ("201 Created"===status){
                    return {"status":"OK"};
                    return {"status":"error"};
           * List all tickets that are created by a user specified by user email
           * Tutorial: How to parse JSON type response
              var requestBody=null;  // this request does not need request body.
              var apiRelUrl="/requests.json";
              var apiAbsUrl=this.zenDeskUrl+apiRelUrl;
              var auth=this.agentAuth;
              //Prepare REST call
              var agentHeader=this.agentHeader;
              var userOpt={
                          name:agentHeader, //!important, this header is required by Zendesk REST api to tell Zendesk that an agent is performing this action for an end-user. checkout:
              var res=this.webcall(apiAbsUrl,auth,userOpt);
              //check status header returned
               var status=this.getHeader(res,"Status");
               if ("200 OK"==status){
                    return {"status":"OK","data":res.body};
                    return {"status":"error"};
           * Webcall wrapper
           * @param url: the REST absolute url
           * @param auth: user:password pair that will perform the REST request. It could be an agent or end-user. It is using basic HTTP authorisation
           * @param userOpt: other webcall options.
          webcall : function(url, auth,userOpt) {
              if(auth == null) {
                    auth = "";
              var encodedAuth=Base64.encode(auth);
               var opt={
                    url : url,
                    method : "GET",
                    charset : 'UTF-8',
                    contentType : 'text/json',
                    headers : [{
                      name : "Authorization",
                      value : "Basic " + encodedAuth  //Zendesk uses HTTP Authorization header as authentication method.
                    period : 3600
               if (userOpt!=undefined){
                    for (var key in userOpt){
                          if (key==="headers"){
               // log(opt);
               return $fh.web(opt);
              var headers=res.headers;
              for (var i=0;i<headers.length;i++){
                    if (headerName === headers[i].name){
                      return headers[i].value;

Please read the comments carefully to understand each step.

Write client-side code and link those files. Check out v3 branch to explore the code.

MASH UP - JSONP and SOAP (v3 Branch)

Step 1 -- Prepare

Web Service Used

Yahoo Finance

Look up company stock symbol using company name.

#####WebServiceX Retrieve company information based on stock symbol.

Project Workbase

  • Create stock.js in cloud folder
  • Create stock.js in js folder on client

Step 2 --- Implementation

Open stock.js in cloud folder and put the following code inside:

         * Mash multiple business apis returned data.
         * Stock Symble lookup: Using YAHOO API. JSONP
         * Stock Info lookup: Using WebServiceX API . SOAP

        var stock = {
              //YAHOO finance api for looking up stock symbol with a company name. It is a JSONP service.
              yahooApi : "{0}&callback=YAHOO.Finance.SymbolSuggest.ssCallback",
              //WebServiceX API (Open API). It returns stock details with specific stock symbol.
              webServiceXApi : "",
               * The function will look for stock symbol based on "name" param, and return stock info from WebServiceX
               * Return stock information.
              getStockInfo : function(name) {
                    //Compose request url using user input.
                    var yahooApiUrl = this.yahooApi.replace("{0}", name);
                     * Perform Webcall
                     * Raw response from YAHOO JSONP api which contains stock symbol as well as other information we do not want.
                    var symbolRes = $fh.web({
                          url : yahooApiUrl,

                    //Clear up YAHOO response and only keep the information "stock symbol" we need.
                    var stockSymbol = this.processSymbolRes(symbolRes);

                    // construct SOAP envelop. We could do this manually or just use a Javascript Library.
                    var soapEnvolope='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
                                                  +'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">'
                                                  +  '<soap:Body>'
                                                  +    '<GetQuote xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">'
                                                  +      '<symbol>'+stockSymbol+'</symbol>'
                                                  +    '</GetQuote>'
                                                  +  '</soap:Body>'

                    //Retrieve SOAP url
                    var stockInfoUrl=this.webServiceXApi;

                    //Prepare webcall parameters
                    var opt={

                    //Perform webcall
                    var stockInfoSoapRes=$fh.web(opt);

                    //getSOAPElement will retrieve specific XML object within SOAP response
                    var xmlData=getSOAPElement("GetQuoteResult",stockInfoSoapRes.body)

                    //mash up the data and return to client.
                    return { 

               * Process Response from YAHOO stock symbol api.
               * It will clear up the response and only return stock symbol as string.
              processSymbolRes : function(res) {
                    var resBody=res.body;
                    var removedHeadRes=resBody.replace("YAHOO.Finance.SymbolSuggest.ssCallback(",""); //remove jsonp callback header
                    var removedTailRes=removedHeadRes.substr(0,removedHeadRes.length-1); //remove jsonp callback bracket
                    var resObj=$fh.parse(removedTailRes); //parse result to JSON object
                    return resObj.ResultSet.Result[0].symbol; //return the first matched stock symbol

Please read the comments carefully to understand each step.

Write client-side code and link those files. Check out v4 branch to explore the code.


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