Some html attributes have different JavaScript property names. The most annoying of these
is class
v.s. className
With this package, you can do this:
var vnode = h('div', { class: 'my-class' })
Instead of this:
var vnode = h('div', { className: 'my-class' })
Works with virtual-dom, react, hyperscript, or any DOM builder with a hyperscript-style API: h(tagName, attrs, children)
npm install hyperscript-attribute-to-property
var attrToProp = require('hyperscript-attribute-to-property')
var h = attrToProp(require('virtual-dom/h'))
If you use the hyperx package, then this functionality is built-in and implemented via this package :)
MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh.