Releases: fevziomurtekin/PayView
Releases · fevziomurtekin/PayView
What's Changed
- Update Payview.kt by @JuanDavid1996 in #8
- Custom Hints, Button Pay Text and Fixed App Crashes by @CristianRP in #5
New Contributors
- @JuanDavid1996 made their first contribution in #8
- @CristianRP made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4
1.0.3 version release
Fixed to #4 error.
1.0.2 version release
When clicked pay button all form compenents checked and error messages were generated.
Card owner name checking empty
Expired date compare to now date
Card No checking 16 digit.
Month and Year checking 2 digit.
Cv code checking 3 digit. -
Card number design edited. Spaces after every 4 characters.
Provided of add new card design.
1.0.1 version release
Added to the new version;
Card animation has been added and made selectable. ( horizontal/vertical)
The card background is now adjustable.
💳 Payment View library for Credit and Debit Card.
First version created.