This repo shares my data using on Find Your Video Game website. You can visit content_data directory to find csv files I used on my website.
I use D3.js to create most part of my website and use google firebase as the database. Also, Scrapy is the primary web scraping tool for me to collect data.
All content based data are from GameFAQs, and I will update the data periodically. All web related codes are in web directory, and all data analysis and model development codes are in analysis directory.
The part of project ideas is inspired by Professor Wade: Visualization for GenEd
Below are some examples and instructions about what you can do on this web.
You can put your mouse on the single plot to show detailed information. Here, I select the point for the popular game "Super Smash Bros"
If you can't find your game, you can always search in the search bar. The search box will give you the similar game names.
Then you can click search, it would have a success message if success.
Your game will be highlighted in graph!
Click RESET button to clear all highlighted games.
If your searched game not in the current graph, it will show some similar games. You can click the game you want.
The system can recommend games based on your input. You can click the game you are interested in.