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Starter Kit ╰────●───●────╯ Web App Boilerplate
A full-featured Webpack + PhosphorJS starter kit with live reload, linting, and fast development setup.
Clone this repository,
git clone https://github.com/websemantics/phosphorjs-starter-kit
Install dependencies,
cd phosphorjs-starter-kit
npm install
Build for production to dist
npm run build
Start development server,
npm run start
- Fast development configuration using Webpack Dev Server
- Maintain clean, error-free code with linting (feedback can be viewed @ Browser Console)
- Live reload during development for convenience
- Consistent coding styles with Editor Config
- Separate vendor and app script bundles
- Based on the example code @phosphor
- Experimental themes and widgets
Need help or have a question? post at StackOverflow.
Please don't use the issue trackers for support/questions.
Star if you find this project useful, to show support or simply for being awesome :)
Contributions to this project are accepted in the form of feedback, bugs reports and even better - pull requests.
MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.