It is a library for CodeIgniter to manage role base access control.
- CodeIgniter Version >= 3
- PHP Version >= 5.6
Download/Clone the repository
Put all files into your project directory respectively.
Ensure the session library and auth_helper are auto loaded in config/autoload.php:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('session'); $autoload['helper'] = array('auth_helper', 'url');
You can set login as a default controller in config/route.php.
$route['default_controller'] = 'login';
Run sql file attached with this repository. The default username and password are: admin
Now you are ready to browse the application.
Add permission:
Name format: method_name-controller_name Example: if the controller name is 'roles; and 'edit' is a method then name will be 'edit-roles'
'name' => 'add-roles',
'display_name' => 'Create Role',
'status' => 1,
Add role:
'name' => 'editor',
'display_name' => 'editor',
'description' => 'Editor can edit and publish posts',
'status' => 1,
Assign permissions with role:
$permissions will be a permission id or an array of permission id
$this->Role->addPermissions($role_id, $permissions);
$this->Role->addPermissions(1, [2, 3]);
Add User:
'name' => 'Likhon',
'username' => 'likhon',
'password' => password_hash('admin', PASSWORD_BCRYPT),,
'status' => 1,
Assign roles with user:
$roles will be a role id or an array of role id
$this->User->addRoles($user_id, $roles);
$this->User->addRoles(2, [2, 3]);
Role base access control is a library that makes decision for access on the permissions. This library can handle multi roles. To enable authentication put these line in controller's construction method:
If you want to authenticate only some methods of a controller then use
$this->auth->only(['edit-posts', 'publish-posts'])
Or if you need to not check authentication for some methods then use:
Check if current user is logged in.
Check if current user has a permission by its name.
if( can('edit-posts') ) {}
if( can(['edit-posts', 'publish-posts']) ) {}
Checks if the current user has a role by its name.
if( hasRoles(['admin', 'editor']) ) {}
if( hasRoles('subscriber') ) {}
Check login status: return true|false
Guest user check: return true|false
Read authenticated user ID
Read authenticated user Name
Read authenticated user roles
Read authenticated user permissions