I use a ~/.private file that I never commit and that contains some private bash env variables I want to source. My zshrc source a file ~/.private so I create an empty one to avoid error.
touch ~/.private
Switch from bash to zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Install `yay` the AUR package manager for arch, it automatically fallbacks to pacman when the target package is not an AUR package and it has the same CLI interface.
bash ~/dotfiles/packages/install-yay.sh
I try to maintain a list of all the packages that I’m using, even if I need to clean it up. I get the list of packages I installed explicitely with
pacman -Qeq > packages.list
Install all the packages from the list:
bash ~/dotfiles/packages/install-packages.sh
git clone git@github.com:flocks/st.git
cd st
sudo make install
I prefer to compile emacs myself, so I can use any configuration flag I may want. So far I’m only using –with-native-compilation, –with-tree-sitter, –with-json
We first need to install tree-sitter:
git clone https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter.git
cd tree-sitter
sudo make install
Tree-sitter needs some grammars files
git clone https://github.com/casouri/tree-sitter-module
cd tree-sitter-module
bash ~/dotfiles/packages/install-emacs.sh
stow scripts
stow i3
stow git
stow emacs
stow nvim
stow sxhkd
stow kitty
stow polybar
stow system
stow notmuch
stow --dotfiles tmux
stow --dotfiles mbsync
stow --dotfiles prompt
stow --dotfiles path
stow --dotfiles xinit
stow --dotfiles xmodmap
stow --dotfiles zsh
Enable systemd services
systemctl enable --user mbsync.timer
systemctl enable --user mbsync.service
systemctl start --user mbsync.timer
clean and add vim config