This module deploys an AWS Lambda function that generates Let's Encrypt certificates via certbot, for the given domains. The Lambda is triggered by a CloudWatch event rule whose schedule can be set through the 'function_trigger_schedule_expression' variable.
The following example will deploy a Lambda that will generate certificates for
module "certbot_lambda_test" {
source = "../../"
# This is used for naming resources
name = "test"
# This email used by Let's Encrypt for sending notifications about certificates
contact_email = ""
# This is the domain for the certificate
certificate_domains = ""
# This zone will be automatically updated to meet the DNS challenge required by Let's Encrypt
hosted_zone_id = aws_route53_record.example_com.zone_id
# This is a cron-like expressions that determines when the Lambda is triggered
function_trigger_schedule_expression = "cron(12 20 * * ? *)"