Browser configuration functionality updates, code optimizations, continuous integrations
Remove unused imports
Unused imports were removed from the entire code.
Code clean up.
Improve coding standards
Error codes removed.
Coding standards have been improvised.
Unit tests
Test coverage has been taken care of in terms of unit tests.
Integration with Travis CI
Unit tests have been configured with Travis.
Travis CI configured to run the tests on every pull requests.
Integrations with Codacy
Integration with Codacy to help with code quality.
Browser Controller class changes
Browser controller class to include:
Explicit wait time as default functionality.
Fluent wait time as default functionality.
Selenese script to maximize browser window.
Functionality modifications
Functionality modifications include:
Chromedriver function to take arguments for chrome options as a list of objects.
Gecko driver function to take arguments for firefox options as a list of objects.
You can’t perform that action at this time.