Do you have a long gulpfile?
Do you wish you could split it up into modules?
Modules, like, grouped task files; like, test.tasks.js and build.tasks.js.
Wouldn't that be nice?
If you'd like that, you're in luck! That's what Gulp Load Subtasks does!
🎉 Easy, not-so-ugly, auto-loaded subtasks! 🎉
npm i --save-dev gulp-load-subtasks
- gulp-hub
- Multiple gulpfiles, not multiple modules
- No globbing (?)
- No coffee/livescript support (?)
- Lets you have multiples of the same task and will run them all together
- Intention: run Gulp tasks from multiple projects at once
- require-dir
- No globbing
- Requires the directory's modules into an object
- No coffee/livescript support (?)
- Intention: ability to require a directory into any Node environment
- gulp-load-subtasks (You are here!)
- Supports globbing
- Opinionated
- Fully supports coffee/livescript tasks, gulpfiles
- Works with and is heavily inspired by gulp-load-plugins
- Intention: ability to import sets of related tasks into any Gulp environment
In its simplest form, gulp-load-subtasks can be passed some directory ('dir', relative to cwd) and it will find all files matching 'dir/**/*.tasks.js' and load those tasks. Here's that example in code:
You can pass optional additional arguments that will be passed on to all subtask functions, such as a plugin object from gulp-load-plugins.
You can also access loadSubtasks
from your gulp-load-plugins object!
Example using gulp-load-plugins:
var gulp = require('gulp')
, $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')()
// pass the plugins along so that your tasks can use them
$.loadSubtasks('dir', $)
You can also use gulp-load-subtasks with CoffeeScript and LiveScript!
Just change your require statement to
# in
(require 'gulp-load-subtasks/coffee')('dir')
# in
(require 'gulp-load-subtasks/livescript')('dir')
and it will load dir/**/*
or dir/**/*
by default
Directory structure:
+ gulpfile.js
+ tasks/
+ a.tasks.js
+ b.tasks.js
module.exports = function (gulp) {
gulp.task('subtaskA1', function () {
// do things... A1
gulp.task('subtaskA2', function () {
// do things... A2
module.exports = function (gulp, $) {
gulp.task('subtaskB', function () {
// do things... B
// use plugins!
var gulp = require('gulp')
, $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')()
// OR path can be a glob
// Pass in your plugins
$.loadSubtasks('tasks', $)
// Actually pass whatever you want, gulp can chug it /badpun
$.loadSubtasks('tasks', $, "hi mom", { a: "b" }, ...)
// You can now refer to the tasks defined in a.tasks.js and b.tasks.js!
gulp.task('default', [ 'subtaskA1', 'subtaskB' ])