Members: Callum Bruton, Evan Foley, Shi Yin Hong, Austin Rodriguez and Ethan Genser
Apply agile methods via incremental delivery + system reuse techniques. Reference for the reusable system: (suggested by Professor Strother)
Open terminal and type in the following commands:
0) (cd into the project directory - **make sure it is cloned from a git repo/linked to GitHub)
- for GitHub Desktop, the project is saved under: /../Documents/GitHub/(project name)
- install python3.
- install websockets with the following command: python pip install websockets
1) 'heroku login'
- '' (email) 'laser-tag-11' (password)
2) 'heroku git:remote -a team-11-app'
- remotely connects our app with Heroku
3) 'npm install'
- start the app using package.json
4) 'git push heroku main'
- **make sure we are using the LATEST version of our app (clone the lastest version)
- pushing codes to our app
5) 'heroku open'
- to see our app in web mode
- other options:
1. we can also enter '' in a browser
2. we can also use the command 'heroku local' then paste in 'http://localhost:5000/' in a browser
6) Enter player IDs
7) Either press the f5 key or click the onscreen button
8) Open a new terminal and run the following command: python
9) Follow the onscreen directions for the traffic generator
- Enter the IDs that were also used on the player entry screen.
- Give the number of events
To view our database's contents in Heroku terminal:
1) 'heroku pg:psql -a team-11-app'
- enter the database
2) 'SELECT * FROM player;'
- we are viewing everything in the database named "player."
3) 'exit'
- return to heroku command prompt
First, follow 1) to 2) from 'How to view deployed app' section above. Commit changes:
1) Option 1: we can commit changes to our repo using regular command lines/GitHub Desktop.
2) Option 2: IF we want to make commits using Heroku (in terminal when logged in):
1. 'git add .'
2. 'git commit -m "(description)"
Then, push the changes: $'git push heroku main' Finally, use any of the options under 5) above to see the deployed app.