This is the repo of my final project for the Full Stack Deep Learning 2021 Course organized and taught by Sergey Karayev and Josh Tobin (Spring 2021).
Here is a brief description of the project structure:
- preprocessing: basic python pre-processing logic to generate single-line JSON annotations.
- models: python code for the model architecture, dataset, vectorizer and vocabulary.
- serving: python code for the model wrapper.
- training: python code with the training loop.
- ansible: ansible playbook to automate the training steps on the remote machine.
- terraform: terraform files to provision the infrastructure.
- scripts: auxility shell scripts to automate repetitive tasks.
- infra_state: text files storing EC2 instance id and DNS name to be used in the scripts.
- datasets
- funsd: the original funsd dataset
- generated: the pre-processed annotations.
- model_artifacts: all the trained models, storing only DVC references, actual artifacts stored on S3.
- synthetic: generated synthetic data, storing only DVC references, actual artifacts stored on S3.
- bin: driver scripts for launching the training, data pre-processing, wrapper creation.
- config: yaml files with training hyper-parameters for local and remote training.
- tools: python code to invoke the model locally and remotely.
- utilities: python code for file and image utilities.
- presentation: images and markdown presentation of the project.
- Install terraform
- Install ansible
- AWS cli install and configured
- Install DVC, MLFlow and configure it according to your needs.
- Have github installed and configured
- Use conda or another package manager and install dependencies using requirements-local.txt file
- Include the project root directory in the
so all the modules are accessible for import.
export PYTHONPATH=./fsdl-final-project:$PYTHONPATH
- Configure training parameters located at
- Training the model
- Create model wrapper
- Run the model wrapper locally
- Generate some synthetic data.
- Provision infrastructure
terraform apply
- Configure training parameters located at
- Training the model remotely
ansible-playbook train_gru_remote.yaml --ask-vault-pass
- Pull trained model artifacts
git pull
- Create model wrapper