A macro to use inside a Kotlin multiplatform project for wrapping a Kotlin ViewModel into a SwiftUI ObservableObject, based on the SKIE library.
The goal of this macro is to increase the iOS development experience by removing the complexity of using a Kotlin ViewModel inside an iOS application written in Swift and also respecting the Lifecycle.
For example, instead of using KotlinInt/KotlinInt?, we're using Int/Int?, it can work with Float/Double/...
Note: the macro creates a unidirectional binding as usually used on Kotlin MVVM, so we can't use directly SwiftUI @Binding
A Kotlin ViewModel shared between Android and iOS with Observable content and methods.
public class ExampleViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _stringData = MutableStateFlow("Some Data")
public val stringData: StateFlow<String> = _stringData
private val _intNullableData = MutableStateFlow<Int?>(null)
public val intNullableData: StateFlow<Int?> = _intNullableData
private val _randomValue = MutableStateFlow(0)
public val randomValue: StateFlow<Int> = _randomValue
private val _entityData = MutableStateFlow<MyData?>(MyData())
public val entityData: StateFlow<MyData?> = _entityData
public fun randomizeValue() {
_randomValue.value = (0..100).random()
The macro generate a SwiftUI ViewModel from the content of the Kotlin ExampleViewModel
@ktViewModel(ofType: ExampleViewModel.self,
(\.stringData, String.self),
(\.intNullableData, Int?.self),
(\.randomValue, Double.self),
(\.entityData, MyData?.self)
class SharedExampleViewModel : ObservableObject {}
Generated content
class SharedExampleViewModel : ObservableObject {
private let viewModelStore = ViewModelStore()
@Published private(set) var stringData: String
@Published private(set) var intNullableData: Int?
@Published private(set) var randomValue: Double
@Published private(set) var entityData: MyData?
init(_ viewModel: ExampleViewModel) {
self.viewModelStore.put(key: "ExampleViewModelKey", viewModel: viewModel)
self.stringData = viewModel.stringData.value
self.intNullableData = viewModel.intNullableData.value?.intValue
self.randomValue = viewModel.randomValue.value.doubleValue
self.entityData = viewModel.entityData.value
var instance: ExampleViewModel {
self.viewModelStore.get(key: "ExampleViewModelKey") as! ExampleViewModel
func start() async {
await withTaskGroup(of: (Void).self) {
$0.addTask { @MainActor [weak self] in
for await value in self!.instance.stringData where self != nil {
if value != self?.stringData {
self?.stringData = value
$0.addTask { @MainActor [weak self] in
for await value in self!.instance.intNullableData where self != nil {
if value?.intValue != self?.intNullableData {
self?.intNullableData = value?.intValue
$0.addTask { @MainActor [weak self] in
for await value in self!.instance.randomValue where self != nil {
if value.doubleValue != self?.randomValue {
self?.randomValue = value.doubleValue
$0.addTask { @MainActor [weak self] in
for await value in self!.instance.entityData where self != nil {
if value != self?.entityData {
self?.entityData = value
deinit {
The properties of the ViewModel can be directly used from the viewModel
property and the method from viewModel.instance
The binding must be triggered from a SwiftUI task modifier; it will start the Observability of the declared properties.
struct ExampleScreen: View {
// Initialize the ViewModel, binding and lifecycle
@StateObject var viewModel = SharedExampleViewModel(ExampleViewModel())
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("STRING VALUE \(viewModel.stringData)")
Text("NULL VALUE \(String(describing: viewModel.intNullableData))")
Text("RANDOM VALUE \(viewModel.randomValue)")
Button {
} label: {
}.task {
// start the ViewModel lifecycle and keep it alive until the view disappear
await viewModel.start()
As this solution is based on Kotlin multiplatform and SKIE, some requirements need to be met.
Please follow the installation step of the library.
- Add in your .toml or .gradle the following dependency
androidx-lifecycle-viewmodel = { module = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel", version.ref = "androidx_lifecycle_version" }
- Then follow this configuration or equivalent
).forEach {
it.binaries.framework {
baseName = "shared"
isStatic = true
export(libs.androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel) // !! export the library for the iOS target, so it can be accessible from swift code !!
sourceSets {
commonMain.dependencies {
api(libs.androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel) // the library itself
Finally, add this package to your application swift package dependencies.
That's all you need.
A Sample is available in this repository, which has a shared library and an iOS/Android app.