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Non sequential Applicatives (#559)
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gusty authored Jan 28, 2024
1 parent 06f8d2b commit 30d990e
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,126 additions and 75 deletions.
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions docsrc/content/abstraction-traversable.fsx
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Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,20 @@ Minimal complete definition
* ``traverse f x`` | ``sequence x``
static member Traverse (t:'Traversable<'T>, f: 'T -> 'Functor<'U>) : 'Functor<'Traversable<'U>>
static member Sequence (t:'Traversable<'Functor<'T>>) : 'Functor<'Traversable<'T>>
static member Traverse (t: 'Traversable<'T>, f: 'T -> 'Applicative<'U>) : 'Applicative<'Traversable<'U>>
static member Sequence (t: 'Traversable<'Applicative<'T>>) : 'Applicative<'Traversable<'T>>
Other operations
* ``gather f x`` | ``transpose x`` (same as traverse and sequence but operating on ZipApplicatives)
static member Gather (t: 'Traversable<'T>, f: 'T -> 'ZipApplicative<'U>) : 'ZipApplicative<'Traversable<'U>>
static member Transpose (t: 'Traversable<'ZipApplicative<'T>>) : 'ZipApplicative<'Traversable<'T>>
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138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions docsrc/content/abstraction-zipapplicative.fsx
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
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A functor with application, providing operations to embed pure expressions (``pur``), run computations pointwise and/or paralell and combine their results (``<.>``).
Minimal complete definition
* ``pur x`` &nbsp; . &nbsp; ``result x``
* ``(<.>) f x``
static member Pure (x: 'T) : 'ZipApplicative<'T>
static member (<.>) (f: 'ZipApplicative<'T -> 'U>, x: 'ZipApplicative<'T>) : 'ZipApplicative<'U>
Other operations
* ``zip``
static member Zip (x1: 'ZipApplicative<'T1>, x2: 'ZipApplicative<'T2>) : 'ZipApplicative<'T1 * 'T2>
* ``map2``
static member Map2 (f: 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T, x1: 'ZipApplicative<'T1>, x2: 'ZipApplicative<'T2>) : 'ZipApplicative<'T>

* ``map3``
static member Map3 (f: 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'T, x1: 'ZipApplicative<'T1>, x2: 'ZipApplicative<'T2>, x3: 'ZipApplicative<'T3>) : 'ZipApplicative<'T>

pur id <.> v = v
pur (<<) <.> u <.> v <.> w = u <.> (v <.> w)
pur f <*> pur x = pur (f x)
u <*> pur y = pur ((|>) y) <.> u
Related Abstractions
- [Functor](abstraction-functor.html): A zipApplicative is a functor whose ``map`` operation can be splitted in ``pur`` and ``(<.>)`` operations,
- [ZipApplicative](abstraction-applicative.html) : ZipApplicatives are applicatives which usually don't form a [Monad](abstraction-monad.html).
Concrete implementations
From F#
- ``seq<'T>``
- ``list<'T>``
- ``option<'T>`` *
- ``voption<'T>`` *
- ``Lazy<'T>`` *
- ``Async<'T>``
- ``Result<'T, 'U>``
- ``Choice<'T, 'U>``
- ``KeyValuePair<'Key, 'T>`` *
- ``'Monoid * 'T`` *
- ``ValueTuple<'Monoid, 'T>`` *
- ``Task<'T>``
- ``ValueTask<'T>``
- ``'R -> 'T`` *
- ``Expr<'T>`` *
From F#+
- [``NonEmptySeq<'T>``]
- [``NonEmptyList<'T>``](type-nonempty.html)
- [``Compose<'ZipApplicative1<'ZipApplicative2<'T>>>``](type-compose.html)
(*) The operation is the same as that for the normal applicative
Only for <*> operation:
- ``array<'T>``
- ``ResizeArray<'T>``
- ``Map<'Key, 'T>``
- ``Dictionary<'Key, 'T>``
- ``IDictionary<'Key, 'T>``
- ``IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key, 'T>``
[Suggest another]( concrete implementation

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// pointwise operations

let arr1 = (+) <!> [|1;2;3|] <*> [|10;20;30|]
let arr2 = (+) <!> [|1;2;3|] <.> [|10;20;30|]

// val arr1: int array = [|11; 21; 31; 12; 22; 32; 13; 23; 33|]
// val arr2: int array = [|11; 22; 33|]

// Validations

let validated = app2 {
let! x = async { return Ok 1 }
and! y = async { return Ok 2 }
and! z = async { return Error ["Error"] }
return x + y + z

validated |> Async.RunSynchronously
// val it: Result<int,string list> = Error ["Error"]
31 changes: 28 additions & 3 deletions src/FSharpPlus/Builders.fs
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Expand Up @@ -210,20 +210,45 @@ module GenericBuilders =
member _.Run x : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<Applicative3<'T>>>`` = x

/// Generic ZipApplicative CE builder.
type ZipApplicativeBuilder<'``applicative<'t>``> () =
member _.ReturnFrom (expr) = expr : '``applicative<'t>``
member inline _.Return (x: 'T) = pur x : '``Applicative<'T>``
member inline _.Yield (x: 'T) = pur x : '``Applicative<'T>``
member inline _.BindReturn(x, [<InlineIfLambda>]f) = map f x : '``Applicative<'U>``
member inline _.MergeSources (t1: '``Applicative<'T>``, t2: '``Applicative<'U>``) : '``Applicative<'T * 'U>`` = map2 tuple2 t1 t2
member inline _.MergeSources3 (t1: '``Applicative<'T>``, t2: '``Applicative<'U>``, t3: '``Applicative<'V>``) : '``Applicative<'T * 'U * 'V>`` = map3 tuple3 t1 t2 t3
member _.Run f : '``Applicative<'T>`` = f

/// Generic 2 layers ZipApplicative CE builder.
type ZipApplicativeBuilder2<'``applicative1<applicative2<'t>>``> () =
member _.ReturnFrom expr : '``applicative1<applicative2<'t>>`` = expr
member inline _.Return (x: 'T) : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>`` = (pur >> pur) x
member inline _.Yield (x: 'T) : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>`` = (pur >> pur) x
member inline _.BindReturn (x: '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>``, [<InlineIfLambda>]f: _ -> _) : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'U>>`` = (map >> map) f x
member inline _.MergeSources (t1, t2) : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>`` = (map2 >> map2) tuple2 t1 t2
member inline _.MergeSources3 (t1, t2, t3) : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>`` = (map3 >> map3) tuple3 t1 t2 t3
member _.Run x : '``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>`` = x

/// Creates a (lazy) monadic computation expression with side-effects (see for more information)
let monad<'``monad<'t>``> = new MonadFxBuilder<'``monad<'t>``> ()

/// Creates a strict monadic computation expression with side-effects (see for more information)
let monad'<'``monad<'t>``> = new MonadFxStrictBuilder<'``monad<'t>``> ()

/// Creates an applicative computation expression.
/// Creates a (sequential) applicative computation expression.
let applicative<'``Applicative<'T>``> = ApplicativeBuilder<'``Applicative<'T>``> ()

/// Creates an applicative computation expression which compose effects of two Applicatives.
/// Creates a (sequential) applicative computation expression which compose effects of two Applicatives.
let applicative2<'``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>``> = ApplicativeBuilder2<'``Applicative1<Applicative2<'T>>``> ()

/// Creates an applicative computation expression which compose effects of three Applicatives.
/// Creates a (sequential) applicative computation expression which compose effects of three Applicatives.
let applicative3<'``Applicative1<Applicative2<Applicative3<'T>>>``> = ApplicativeBuilder3<'``Applicative1<Applicative2<Applicative3<'T>>>``> ()

/// Creates a (non sequential) applicative computation expression.
let app<'``ZipApplicative<'T>``> = ZipApplicativeBuilder<'``ZipApplicative<'T>``> ()

/// Creates a (non sequential) applicative computation expression which compose effects of two Applicatives.
let app2<'``ZipApplicative1<ZipApplicative2<'T>>``> = ZipApplicativeBuilder2<'``ZipApplicative1<ZipApplicative2<'T>>``> ()

12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/FSharpPlus/Control/Applicative.fs
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Expand Up @@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ type Lift2 =
static member inline Lift2 (f, ((a: 'Monoid, x: 'T) , (b: 'Monoid, y: 'U) ), _mthd: Lift2) = Plus.Invoke a b, f x y
static member inline Lift2 (f, (struct (a: 'Monoid, x: 'T), struct (b: 'Monoid, y: 'U)), _mthd: Lift2) = struct (Plus.Invoke a b, f x y)
static member Lift2 (f, (x: Task<'T> , y: Task<'U> ), _mthd: Lift2) = Task.map2 f x y
static member Lift2 (f, (x: Task<'T> , y: Task<'U> ), _mthd: Lift2) = Task.lift2 f x y
static member Lift2 (f, (x: ValueTask<'T> , y: ValueTask<'U> ), _mthd: Lift2) = ValueTask.map2 f x y
static member Lift2 (f, (x: ValueTask<'T> , y: ValueTask<'U> ), _mthd: Lift2) = ValueTask.lift2 f x y
static member Lift2 (f, (x , y ), _mthd: Lift2) = Async.map2 f x y
static member Lift2 (f, (x , y ), _mthd: Lift2) = Async.lift2 f x y
static member Lift2 (f, (x , y ), _mthd: Lift2) = Option.map2 f x y

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ type Lift3 =
static member inline Lift3 (f, ((a: 'Monoid, x: 'T) , (b: 'Monoid, y: 'U) , (c: 'Monoid, z: 'U) ), _mthd: Lift3) = Plus.Invoke (Plus.Invoke a b) c, f x y z
static member inline Lift3 (f, (struct (a: 'Monoid, x: 'T), struct (b: 'Monoid, y: 'U), struct (c: 'Monoid, z: 'U)), _mthd: Lift3) = struct (Plus.Invoke (Plus.Invoke a b) c, f x y z)
static member Lift3 (f, (x: Task<'T> , y: Task<'U> , z: Task<'V> ), _mthd: Lift3) = Task.map3 f x y z
static member Lift3 (f, (x: Task<'T> , y: Task<'U> , z: Task<'V> ), _mthd: Lift3) = Task.lift3 f x y z
static member Lift3 (f, (x: ValueTask<'T> , y: ValueTask<'U> , z: ValueTask<'V> ), _mthd: Lift3) = ValueTask.map3 f x y z
static member Lift3 (f, (x: ValueTask<'T> , y: ValueTask<'U> , z: ValueTask<'V> ), _mthd: Lift3) = ValueTask.lift3 f x y z
static member Lift3 (f, (x , y , z ), _mthd: Lift3) = Async.map3 f x y z
static member Lift3 (f, (x , y , z ), _mthd: Lift3) = Async.lift3 f x y z
static member Lift3 (f, (x , y , z ), _mthd: Lift3) = Option.map3 f x y z

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/FSharpPlus/Control/Functor.fs
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Expand Up @@ -217,8 +217,9 @@ type Zip =
static member Zip ((x: 'T [] , y: 'U [] , _output: ('T*'U) [] ), _mthd: Zip) = Array.zipShortest x y
static member Zip ((x: ResizeArray<'T> , y: ResizeArray<'U> , _output: ResizeArray<'T*'U> ), _mthd: Zip) = ResizeArray.zipShortest x y
static member Zip ((x: option<'T> , y: option<'U> , _output: option<'T*'U> ), _mthd: Zip) = x y
static member Zip ((x: voption<'T> , y: voption<'U> , _output: voption<'T*'U> ), _mthd: Zip) = x y
static member Zip ((x: Result<'T, 'Error> , y: Result<'U, 'Error> , _output: Result<'T * 'U, 'Error> ), _mthd: Zip) = x y
static member Zip ((x: voption<'T> , y: voption<'U> , _output: voption<'T*'U> ), _mthd: Zip) = x y
static member inline Zip ((x: Result<'T, 'Error> , y: Result<'U, 'Error> , _output: Result<'T * 'U, 'Error> ), _mthd: Zip) = Result.apply2With Plus.Invoke (fun a b -> a, b) x y
static member inline Zip ((x: Choice<'T, 'Error> , y: Choice<'U, 'Error> , _output: Choice<'T * 'U, 'Error> ), _mthd: Zip) = Choice.apply2With Plus.Invoke (fun a b -> a, b) x y
static member Zip ((x: Async<'T> , y: Async<'U> , _output: Async<'T*'U> ), _mthd: Zip) = x y
static member Zip ((x: Task<'T> , y: Task<'U> , _output: Task<'T*'U> ), _mthd: Zip) = x y
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/FSharpPlus/Control/MonadOps.fs
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module internal MonadOps =
let inline (>>=) x f = Bind.Invoke x f
let inline result x = Return.Invoke x
let inline (<*>) f x = Apply.Invoke f x
let inline pur x = Pure.Invoke x
let inline (<.>) f x = ZipApply.Invoke f x
let inline (<|>) x y = Append.Invoke x y
let inline (>=>) (f: 'a->'``Monad<'b>``) (g: 'b->'``Monad<'c>``) (x: 'a) : '``Monad<'c>`` = f x >>= g

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12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions src/FSharpPlus/Control/Monoid.fs
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Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ type Plus =
static member ``+`` (x: AggregateException, y: AggregateException, [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus ) = new AggregateException (seq {yield! x.InnerExceptions; yield! y.InnerExceptions})
static member ``+`` (x: exn , y: exn , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus ) =
let f (e: exn) = match e with :? AggregateException as a -> a.InnerExceptions :> seq<_> | _ -> Seq.singleton e
new AggregateException (seq {yield! f x; yield! f y}) :> exn
let left = f x
new AggregateException (seq { yield! left; yield! Seq.except left (f y) }) :> exn
static member ``+`` (x: StringBuilder , y: StringBuilder , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus ) = StringBuilder().Append(string x).Append(string y)
static member ``+`` (_: Id0 , _: Id0 , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus ) = Id0 ""
static member ``+`` (x: exn , y: exn , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus ) : exn =
let f (e: exn) = match e with :? AggregateException as a -> a.Data0 :> seq<_> | _ -> Seq.singleton e
AggregateException (seq {yield! f x; yield! f y})
let left = f x
AggregateException (seq { yield! left; yield! Seq.except left (f y) }) :> exn

Check warning on line 45 in src/FSharpPlus/Control/Monoid.fs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / testFable3SubsetOnCore

This upcast is unnecessary - the types are identical

static member inline Invoke (x: 'Plus) (y: 'Plus) : 'Plus =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,13 +118,13 @@ type Plus with
type Plus with

static member inline ``+`` (x: 'a Task, y: 'a Task, [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = Task.map2 Plus.Invoke x y
static member inline ``+`` (x: 'a Task, y: 'a Task, [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = Task.lift2 Plus.Invoke x y

type Plus with

static member inline ``+`` (x: 'a ValueTask, y: 'a ValueTask, [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = ValueTask.map2 Plus.Invoke x y
static member inline ``+`` (x: 'a ValueTask, y: 'a ValueTask, [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = ValueTask.lift2 Plus.Invoke x y


Expand All @@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ type Plus with

static member inline ``+`` (f: 'T->'Monoid, g: 'T->'Monoid, [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = (fun x -> Plus.Invoke (f x) (g x)) : 'T->'Monoid

static member inline ``+`` (x: 'S Async , y: 'S Async , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = Async.map2 Plus.Invoke x y
static member inline ``+`` (x: 'S Async , y: 'S Async , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) = Async.lift2 Plus.Invoke x y

static member inline ``+`` (x: 'a Expr , y: 'a Expr , [<Optional>]_mthd: Plus) : 'a Expr =
let inline f (x: 'a) : 'a -> 'a = Plus.Invoke x
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