Simple object store with transaction support, built on hypercore.
- simple DB journal
- concurrent, atomic transactions
- the default merge handler merges transactions that change different objects
- but a custom one can be passed to each transaction
- throws an error and rolls back the transaction if a collision occures
- generates sequential object IDs to maximize efficiency
- internally uses an octree to store object-ID > hypercore index mappings
const feed = somehowCreateHypercore()
const db = new HyperObjects(feed, {valueEncoding: 'utf-8'})
let objId
await db.transaction(async tr => {
* Creates a new Object
* @param value (optional) object value
* @param immediate {boolean} (default: false) if the changes should be written to the feed
* cannot be undone, is persisted even if the transaction fails!
* @returns {Promise<{id: number|null}>} id is set AFTER the transaction is over!
objId = tr.create('hello world', false)
await db.transaction(async tr => {
* Fetches the value of an object
* @param key {number} object ID
* @param immediate {boolean} (default: false) if the changes should be written to the feed
* cannot be undone, is persisted even if the transaction fails!
* @returns {Promise<any>} the object
const greeting = await tr.get(, false)
await db.transaction(async tr => {
* Overwrites the value of an existing object
* @param key {number} object ID
* @param value {any} object value
* @param immediate {boolean} (default: false) if the changes should be written to the feed
* cannot be undone, is persisted even if the transaction fails!
* @returns {Promise<void>}
await tr.set(, 'something else')
await db.transaction(async tr => {
* Deletes an object's value (practically it's set to null)
* @param key {number} object ID
* @returns {Promise<void>}
await tr.delete(
* Undos the transaction (changes are not persisted)
* Theoretically it is possible to make changes after this again,
* the previous ones are simply removed from the queue