shell script to read Xiaomi MiFlora sensor using gatttool and ash (busybox) only (and gawk) tested on OpenWRT
gatttool/miflora times out regularly
script exits on failure but doesn't do retries.
edited from more info from
(as root)
./miflora -M AA:BB:CC:00:11:22 -bvm
Battery: 92 %
Version: 2.7.0
Temperature 20.1 °C
Light intensity: 76 lux
Moisture: 14 %
Fertility: 63 uS/cm
./miflora -M AA:BB:CC:00:11:22 -H 48 -c | ./mifloracheck -msgcmd /bin/sendtotelegram
(will call /bin/sendtotelegram if values are out of range)