- Room automation with ESP8266 in Arduino
- Cloud support: https://iothub.live/nodes/4ca6ff41-4408-11e8-94bd-3dd310e71935
- PWM output (adjustable steps and frequency) with fade-in, fade-out or fade-to (= LED strip control)
- Switch input with software based noise reduction:
- click (pulse width < 250 ms): fade-in or fade-out
- short push-hold-release (pulse width > 250 ms): fade-in or fade-out and stops on release, so that you can set custom PWM levels
- long push-hold-release (pulse width > 5000 ms): relay switch on
- PIR sensor: set PWM to half power after 5 mins and fade-off after another 5 mins when no move detected.
- DS18B20 and BME280 sensor read and REST send
- Heating control via relay pin
- Ventilation control based on humidity level via PWM
- IR sender and reveiver (on PIR and PWM pins)
- OTA firmware upgrade
- Separated WiFi codes and device parameters based on the MAC address of the devices
- Deep sleep.