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This directory contains the 5.24.02 release of `OpenSAF'.

`OpenSAF' is an open source project designed to implement a complete highly
available operating environment based on Service Availability Forum (SA Forum)
standards. The objective of the `OpenSAF' project is to accelerate broad
adoption of a SA Forum compliant operating environment. OpenSAF also offers
complementary services which are required in a complete high-availability system

`OpenSAF' has been originally contributed by Motorola ECC, by open sourcing its
HA middleware suite Netplane Core Services (NCS).

`OpenSAF' has a web site at

See file `COPYING.LIB' for copying conditions.
See file `INSTALL' for compilation and installation instructions.
See file `NEWS' for a list of major changes in the current release.
See file `ChangeLog' for a list of detailed changes.
See file `AUTHORS' for the names of maintainers.
See file `THANKS' for a list of contributors.

Please check the `Linux' distribution-specific notes below for any caveats
related to your operating system.

`OpenSAF' Architecture Overview

`OpenSAF' software is distributed in nature. In the HA cluster there are two
types of nodes: System Controllers and Payloads. One system controller will be
running in Active mode, another system controller will be running in Standby
mode, and the rest of the system controllers (if any) will be spares that are
ready to take over as Active or Standby in case of a fault.

The `OpenSAF' software is divided in to following classes of Modules:

    * Directors:
      The Service directors run on the Controller node. They interact with Node
      Directors running on the Payload nodes and provide service specific

    * Node Directors:
      Node directors distribute the service responsibilities with directors.
      Node directors interact with Agents to provide service functionality to
      the user applications. Node directors run both on System Controller node
      and Payload nodes.

    * Servers:
      Servers run on the System Controller and they talk to Agents to provide
      service functionality to the users. If the service is having servers then
      it doesn't have directors, node director pieces. If the service doesn't
      have node local functionality then "Server - Agent" architectural approach
      is used.

    * Agents: Agents are the service libraries which are linked with user
      applications and provide service to the user applications by interacting
      with other service parts.

User applications can run on either System Controller node or Payload node. But
it is advisable to run the user applications on the Payload nodes, so your
applications are not impacted when System Controller failover happens due to any
failures in `OpenSAF' Modules.

The OpenSAF infrastructure is made highly available by modeling the individual
services as AMF components. All the Node Directors use no redundancy model and
are restart capable with component capability 1_ACTIVE. All the Directors and
Servers use 2N redundancy model with "1_ACTIVE_OR_1_STANDBY".

By default (in 4.2) OpenSAF processes will run as the UNIX system user "opensaf"
which is a member of the "opensaf" UNIX group. Only two processes are running as
root, amfnd and smfnd. Reason is that amfnd need todo that for backwards
compatible reasons and the programs it starts might be designed to require root
access. The reason for smfnd for running as root is that it typically installs
rpms which requires root access. The rpms built by opensaf will create these
users using rpm scriptlets.

When using a "make install" system, either manually do the same as the rpm post
install scriptlet (create group and user, configure sudo etc) or configure
opensaf to run as root.

See the build section how to revert to old all root behaviour.


`OpenSAF' release archives can be obtained from here:


`OpenSAF' implements various `SAF AIS' services. The Service Availability Forum
Specifications can be downloaded from here:

The `OpenSAF' Programmer's Reference Manuals can be obtained from here:

    * OpenSAF Overview
    * OpenSAF Availability Service
    * OpenSAF Cluster Membership Service
    * OpenSAF Checkpoint Service
    * OpenSAF Event Distribution Service
    * OpenSAF Global Lock Service
    * OpenSAF Information Model Management Service
    * OpenSAF LOG Service
    * OpenSAF Message Queue Service
    * OpenSAF Notification Service
    * OpenSAF Platform Management Service
    * OpenSAF Software Management Framework Service


`OpenSAF' development is hosted by SourceForge, the main project portal can be
found here:

You can find most information concerning the development of `OpenSAF' at this

`OpenSAF' is using `Git' as its Source Control Management system tool. `Git' is
a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient
handling of very large distributed projects and can be obtained from here:

Building from `Git'

If you don't want to use one of the `OpenSAF' release archive, you can get a
clone and bootstrap it by doing the following steps:

    % git clone git:// opensaf-git
    % cd opensaf-git
    % ./

After bootstraping follow the standard build instructions.

Bug Reporting

You can send `OpenSAF' bug reports to <>.
You can subscribe to the development mailing list from here:

If you need help using `OpenSAF', try <>
instead. You can subscribe to the user mailing list from here:

You can also use the online bug tracking system in the `OpenSAF' project to
submit new problem reports or search for existing ones:

When reporting bug, make sure you provide various useful informations about your
Linux environment:

    * Distribution used (e.g. Fedora, Ubuntu, SUSE, PNE-LE etc.)
    * The revision of your Linux distribution
    * Package revisions of the prerequisites (e.g. net-snmp, tipc etc.)
    * If using the package prerequisites from the Linux distribution?
    * Build tool revisions (e.g. gcc, automake, autoconf, libtool)
    * If using cross-compiling + target information

Source Tree Structure

+-- bin  (Built executables)
+-- java  (Java source code)
|   +-- ais_api
|   |   +-- src
|   |       +-- org
|   |           +-- saforum
|   |               +-- ais
|   |                   +-- amf
|   |                   +-- clm
|   +-- ais_api_impl  (Java AIS API mapping Implementation for AMF,CLM)
|   |   +-- src
|   |       +-- org
|   |           +-- opensaf
|   |               +-- ais
|   |                   +-- amf
|   |                   +-- clm
|   +-- am4j_sailfin
|   |   +-- amf-configuration
|   |   +-- clc-cli-scripts
|   +-- amf_agent
|   |   +-- src
|   |       +-- com
|   |           +-- ericsson
|   |               +-- saf
|   |                   +-- amf
|   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|       +-- configandscript
|       +-- src
|           +-- org
|               +-- opensaf
|                   +-- ais
|                       +-- amf
|                       |   +-- test
|                       +-- clm
|                       |   +-- test
|                       +-- test
+-- lib  (Built libraries)
+-- m4  (Extra M4 macros for the build)
+-- pkgconfig  (OpenSAF Pkgconfig file)
+-- python  (Python source code)
|   +-- pyosaf
|   |   +-- utils
|   |       +-- clm
|   |       +-- immoi
|   |       +-- immom
|   |       +-- log
|   |       +-- ntf
|   +-- samples
+-- rpms  (Built RPMs)
+-- samples  (OpenSAF sample applications for SAF services)
|   +-- amf
|   |   +-- campaigns
|   |   +-- non_sa_aware
|   |   +-- proxy
|   |   +-- sa_aware
|   |   +-- wrapper
|   +-- cpsv
|   |   +-- ckpt_demo
|   |   +-- ckpt_track_demo
|   +-- edsv
|   +-- glsv
|   +-- immsv
|   |   +-- immom_python
|   |   +-- immutils
|   +-- m4
|   +-- mqsv
|   +-- smfsv
|       +-- campaigns
+-- scripts  (OpenSAF scripts)
+-- src  (C and C++ source code)
|   +-- ais
|   |   +-- include  (AIS header files)
|   |   |   +-- opensaf  (OpenSAF public headers)
|   |   +-- lib  (AIS shared libraries)
|   +-- amf
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- amfd
|   |   |   +-- tests
|   |   +-- amfnd
|   |   +-- amfwd
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- tools
|   +-- base  (OpenSAF base library)
|   |   +-- tests
|   +-- ckpt
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- ckptd
|   |   +-- ckptnd
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   +-- clm
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- clmd
|   |   +-- clmnd
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   +-- dtm
|   |   +-- dtmnd
|   |   +-- transport
|   |       +-- tests
|   +-- evt
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- evtd
|   +-- fm
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- fmd
|   +-- imm
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   |   +-- implementer
|   |   |   +-- management
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- immd
|   |   +-- immloadd
|   |   +-- immnd
|   |   +-- immpbed
|   |   +-- tools  (IMM commandline utilities and IMM XML merge tool)
|   +-- lck
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- lckd
|   |   +-- lcknd
|   +-- libjava
|   +-- log
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- logd
|   |   +-- tools  (SAFLOG command line utility)
|   +-- mbc
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   +-- mds
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   +-- msg
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- msgd
|   |   +-- msgnd
|   +-- nid
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   +-- ntf
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- ntfd
|   |   +-- ntfimcnd
|   |   +-- tools  (SAFNTF command line utility)
|   +-- osaf
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- immutil
|   |   +-- saflog
|   +-- plm
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- apitest  (OpenSAF Test suites)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- plmcd
|   |   +-- plmd
|   +-- rde
|   |   +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|   |   +-- common
|   |   +-- config
|   |   +-- rded
|   |   +-- tools
|   +-- smf
|       +-- agent  (sources for OpenSAF agents)
|       +-- common
|       +-- config
|       +-- scripts
|       +-- smfd
|       +-- smfnd
|       +-- tools
+-- tools  (OpenSAF developer tools and UML devel environment)
    +-- cluster_sim_uml
    |   +-- archive
    |   |   +-- scripts
    |   +-- etc
    |   |   +-- init.d
    |   +-- uml
    |       +-- bin
    |       +-- config
    |       +-- root_template
    |           +-- bin
    |           +-- dev
    |           |   +-- pts
    |           |   +-- shm
    |           +-- etc
    |           |   +-- init.d
    |           +-- home
    |           +-- lib
    |           |   +-- modules
    |           +-- lib64
    |           +-- opt
    |           +-- proc
    |           +-- root
    |           |   +-- www
    |           |       +-- cgi-bin
    |           +-- sbin
    |           +-- sys
    |           +-- tmp
    |           +-- usr
    |           |   +-- bin
    |           |   +-- sbin
    |           +-- var
    |               +-- lib
    |               |   +-- opensaf
    |               +-- log
    |               |   +-- opensaf
    |               +-- run
    |                   +-- opensaf
    +-- devel
        +-- dot
        +-- doxygen
        +-- indent
        +-- model
        +-- review


The following software is required to build OpenSAF:

    * libc6-dev (2.11 or later)
    * libxml2-dev (2.7 or later)
    * automake (1.11.1 or later)
    * m4
    * autoconf (2.64 or later)
    * libtool (2.2.6 or later)
    * pkg-config
    * gcc/g++ (4.8.1 or later)
    * GNU make
    * python-dev(el)
    * Optionally:
        * The Linux Kernel with TIPC support enabled. This is required when
        opensaf is built with the option --enable-tipc. OpenSAF requires Linux
        version 4.4.22 or later when configured with the --enable-tipc option.

        * When PLM is enabled, an HPI implementation (e.g. OpenHPI)
        * When IMM PBE feature is enabled, libsqlite3-dev (3.6 or later)

    If enabling optional Java support:
        - A Java 1.5+ capable JDK (e.g. OpenJDK 1.7)
        - Apache Ant

If a specific prerequisite package revision isn't working for you, please let us
know about it following the instructions from the Bug Reporting section.

Building `OpenSAF'

Some features needs to be configured at build time but don't have configure
support, these are explained here.

1) Configure a non flat MDS addressing scheme (deprecated)

In the default (from OpenSAF 4.3 onwards) addressing scheme, TIPC node addresses
looks like 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc, and the slot_id can be in the range from 1 and up
to 4095 (though note that prior to OpenSAF 5.0, the maximum supported slot_id
was 255).

To re-enable the old (pre OpenSAF 4.3) non flat addressing, configure the
constant MDS_USE_SUBSLOT_ID=1 at configure time as in:

    % ./configure CPPFLAGS="-DMDS_USE_SUBSLOT_ID=1 ..."

In the non flat scheme, the slot ID is shifted up 4 bits and subslot ID is added
in the 4 LSB. The consequence of this is reduced number of addressable nodes in
the cluster. This scheme is more likely to be used in xTCA type of systems and
produces TIPC addresses like 1.1.31, 1.1.47 etc.

More configuration is needed, see nid.conf in 00-README.conf

2) Run as root (optional)

If the old (<4.2) behaviour of running all processes as root is desired, use the
following configure command:

    % ./configure CPPFLAGS=-DRUNASROOT

3) Configure TIPC importance (optional)

The default TIPC importance is LOW for all services except for AVND which is
HIGH.  In some cases the default importance must be changed if e.g. an
application starves the LOW importance communication level.  To change the
default importance, use the following configure command

   % ./configure CPPFLAGS=-DTIPCIMPORTANCE=level

Note: Giving same importance to AVND & all other Opensaf models is not preferred
option. The behavior is unsupported.

4) Configure GCC hardening options (optional)

By default, the options "-fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" are passed to
GCC for improved security. You can override these options by setting the
OSAF_HARDEN_FLAGS when configuring OpenSAF. For example:

   % ./configure OSAF_HARDEN_FLAGS="-fstack-protector-all -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"

If you are using a released archive (dist tarball) follow the simple common

    % ./configure && make


    % ./configure && make rpm

Note: `OpenSAF' can safely be built with parallel jobs using -jX, where X should
      be the number of CPU you want to dedicate + 1

If you are Building from `Git', make sure you followed the required steps before
trying to `configure' (i.e. bootsrapping).

    % ./
    % ./configure && make
    % ./configure && make rpm

By default, OpenSAF is built with TCP as the transport.

By default, all 'OpenSAF' services are enabled to be built and `OpenSAF' will
assume the following `configure' options by default:

    --disable-java --disable-imm-pbe --disable-tests

Some OpenSAF services/features can be disabled through configure options.  To
alter the default configure options, the following configure options are
available w.r.t enabling/disabling the build for a particular OpenSAF service:
(The below options can also be known from the command % ./configure --help)

  --disable-rpath         Patches libtool to not use rpath in the libraries
  --disable-rpm-target    disable support for the "make rpm" target
  --enable-gcov           enable code coverage [default=no]
  --enable-experimental   enable experimental code [default=no]
  --enable-python         enable the Python AIS bindings [default=yes]
  --enable-java           enable the Java AIS interface mapping [default=no]
  --enable-am4j           enable the AM4J agent [default=no]
  --enable-tipc           enable building the TIPC [default=no]
  --enable-tests          enable building the OpenSAF testing programs
  --enable-imm-pbe        enable the IMM Persistent Back End Interface
  --enable-ntf-imcn       enable the NTF Information Model Notification
                          producer [default=no]
  --disable-ais-ckpt      disable building the SAI-AIS-CKPT service
  --disable-ais-evt       disable building the SAI-AIS-EVT service
  --disable-ais-lck       disable building the SAI-AIS-LCK service
  --disable-ais-msg       disable building the SAI-AIS-MSG service
  --disable-ais-smf       disable building the SAI-AIS-SMF service
  --disable-ais-plm       disable building the SAI-AIS-PLM service
  --disable-dependency-tracking  speeds up one-time build
  --enable-dependency-tracking   do not reject slow dependency extractors
  --enable-shared[=PKGS]  build shared libraries [default=yes]
  --enable-static[=PKGS]  build static libraries [default=yes]
                          optimize for fast installation [default=yes]
  --disable-libtool-lock  avoid locking (might break parallel builds)

  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
                          set the RPM release value to be current timestamp
                          (ARG=timestamp); set the RPM release value to be the
                          global revision (ARG=global-rev); set the RPM
                          release value to be the local revision
                          (ARG=local-rev); set the RPM release value to be
                          <val> (ARG=<val>, [default=1])
                          autodetect the SAHPI_INTERFACE_VERSION (ARG=check
                          [default]); set the SAHPI_INTERFACE_VERSION to
                          A.01.01 (ARG=A01); set the SAHPI_INTERFACE_VERSION
                          to B.01.01 (ARG=B01); set the
                          SAHPI_INTERFACE_VERSION to B.02.01 (ARG=B02); set
                          the SAHPI_INTERFACE_VERSION to B.03.01 (ARG=B03)
                          use DIR as the directory containing the init.d
                          scripts. [default=/etc/init.d]
  --with-pic              try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use
  --with-gnu-ld           assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no]
  --with-jdk=DIR          use JDK from DIR
  --with-ant=DIR          Use ant from DIR

Use one of the following forms to enable an option:

    --with-<mumble>        OR --enable-<mumble>
    --with-<mumble>=yes         OR      --enable-<mumble>=yes
    --without-<mumble>=no       OR      --disable-<mumble>=no

For eg:- To enable building the IMM PBE feature, use the following option:

    % ./configure --enable-imm-pbe

Use one of the following forms to disable an option:

    --without-<mumble>          OR      --disable-<mumble>
    --without-<mumble>=yes      OR      --disable-<mumble>=yes
    --with-<mumble>=no          OR      --enable-<mumble>=no

For eg:- To disable building the LOCK service, use the following option:

     % ./configure --disable-ais-lck

The `--with-<mumble>' option forms are used for external package support and the
`--enable-<mumble>' option forms are used for internal component state.

Note: When PLM is enabled, `OpenSAF' relies on <SaHpi.h>, even if the user
thinks he's not using a specific HPI implementation. This is a build dependency
and the user still needs to tell the build system to be using the proper
CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS where to find a dummy <SaHpi.h>

By using `./configure --enable-tipc', you are building OpenSAF to support TIPC
also as the transport. Upon enabling this option, the OpenSAF binaries support
both TIPC and TCP as the transport and to use TIPC, you have to change the
variable MDS_TRANSPORT to TIPC in the nid.conf file (see nid.conf in
00-README.conf). By choosing this option you have the flexibility to change from
using tipc to tcp without having to rebuild.

By using `./configure --enable-java', you are enabling the Java AIS mapping
support in the build system. Specials M4 macros will be used to autodetect what
`JDK' and `Ant' program you are using. By default this options is disabled.

By using `./configure --with-jdk=DIR', you can force the build system to use a
specific JDK installed in a non-standard location on your system.

By using `./configure --with-ant=DIR', you can force the build system to use a
specific Ant version installed in a non-standard location on your system.

By using `./configure --with-rpm-release', you can change the default release
token in the generated rpm filename. Predefined values exist like the build
timestamp, the `Git' revision used to when building the code, and also you can
add your own free text token.

By using `./configure --with-hpi-interface', you can force the HPI interface
version used. By default it's autodetected by scanning the SaHpi.h header, but
when cross-compiling is used it's not possible to run the test code for that

By using `./configure --disable-rpm-target', you are masking out the `make rpm'
target, some build systems provide their own `make rpm` rule, it would then be
clashing with the OpenSAF rule.

Building `OpenSAF' RPMs

As shown in the Building `OpenSAF' section, generating RPMs can be done using:

    % ./configure && make rpm

The special `make rpm' target will generate a dist archive, create the `OpenSAF'
SRPM using the opensaf.spec file, and finally launch the rpmbuild process. You
can find the generated RPMs under `./rpms/RPMS/<build_arch>/':

RPMs per OpenSAF Service are generated. For eg:-

* opensaf-<svcname-director>-<Release>.<build_arch>.rpm:
  RPM containing the particular OpenSAF service director/server's binaries,
  libraries, CLC scripts, and the immxml classes and objects owned/implemented
  by the service.

* opensaf-<svcname-nodedirector>-<Release>.<build_arch>.rpm:
  RPM containing the particular OpenSAF service NodeDirector's binaries, CLC

* opensaf-<svcname-libs>-<version>.<Release>.<build_arch>.rpm:
  RPM containing the particular OpenSAF service libraries to be linked by User
  and any User Program (command line tool/utility) provided the service.

With the default configure options, the following RPMs are generated:


opensaf-controller: (Meta Package)
Contains the controller specifc config, script files, the IMM classes and
objects for OpenSAF infrastructure services, And the dependencies for installing
the controller rpm.

opensaf-payload: (Meta Package)
Contains the payload specific config file And the dependencies for installing
the payload rpm.

Contains configuration and script file that are common to both a
controller/payload node configuration.

opensaf-devel: (Optional)
Contains the development headers and static & shared libs for user application

opensaf-java: (Optional)
Contains the Java AIS mapping jars and native libs.

opensaf-samples: (Optional)
Contains the sample applications source code.

Installing `OpenSAF'

`OpenSAF' can be installed in several ways. When doing development, a user might
prefer using the classic `make install' way to using RPMs.  It can be achieved
like this:

    % make install


    % make install DESTDIR=<staged_install_directory>

After installing `OpenSAF' you will need to run `ldconfig' because `OpenSAF'
places internal libs in the `$pkglibdir' (e.g. /usr/lib/opensaf/). This ldconfig
operation is handled automatically by using rpm installation.

In production systems, RPMs should be preferred to classic `make install`.

To setup a development environment for a given OpenSAF service, install
following RPMs:
    % rpm -ivh opensaf-<svc_name>-libs-<Release>.<build_arch>.rpm
    % rpm -ivh opensaf-devel-<Release>.<build_arch>.rpm
    % rpm -ivh opensaf-samples-<Release>.<build_arch>.rpm

If Java AIS mapping was enabled, install the following RPM:

    % rpm -ivh opensaf-java-<version>.<build_arch>.rpm

If you are installing `OpenSAF' from a supported `yum' server, it will resolve
the proper dependencies for you:

    % yum install opensaf-controller


    % yum install opensaf-payload

Here is where individual `OpenSAF' components get installed:

    * Documentation: `$docdir' (e.g /usr/share/doc/packages/opensaf/)
    * Samples, Templates: `$pkgdatadir'/samples (e.g.
    * IMM XML Merge tool: `pkgimmxmldir' (e.g. /usr/share/opensaf/samples/immxml
    * SAF libraries: `$libdir' (e.g. /usr/lib/)
    * SAF headers: `$includedir' (e.g. /usr/include/)
    * Configuration: `$pkgsysconfdir' (e.g. /etc/opensaf/)
    * OpenSAF headers: `$pkgincludedir' (e.g. /usr/include/opensaf/)
    * Runtime Misc.: `$pkglocalstate' (e.g. /var/lib/opensaf/)
    * OpenSAF internals(binaries,clc-scripts): `$pkglibdir' (e.g.
    * User programs: `$bindir' (e.g. /usr/bin/)
    * SysV scripts: `$sysconfdir/init.d/' (e.g. /etc/init.d/)
    * Logs: `$localstatedir/log/opensaf' (e.g. /var/log/opensaf/)
    * PID: `$localstatedir/run/opensaf/' (e.g. /var/run/opensaf/)

Linking with `OpenSAF' AIS Services

`OpenSAF' provides `pkgconfig' files for each AIS services.  These files are
installed with the other system `*.pc' files in `$(libdir)/pkgconfig':

   * opensaf-amf.pc
   * opensaf-ckpt.pc
   * opensaf-clm.pc
   * opensaf-evt.pc
   * opensaf-imm.pc
   * opensaf-lck.pc
   * opensaf-log.pc
   * opensaf-msg.pc
   * opensaf-ntf.pc
   * opensaf-plm.pc

There are two easy ways to use `pkgconfig'. The first one is to call it directly
from a `Makefile' and assign its content to make variables e.g.:

   AMF_LIBS=`pkg-config opensaf-amf --libs`
   AMF_CFLAGS=`pkg-config opensaf-amf --cflags`

Or if your application is using the `GNU Build System' with `autotools', you can
use a special `autoconf' macro provided by `pkgconfig' e.g.:

   -- in --
   PKG_CHECK_MODULES(AMF, opensaf-amf)

It will then provides two special variables available to `automake':

   -- in --
   mumble_CFLAGS = @AMF_CFLAGS@
   mumble_LDADD = @AMF_LIBS@

How to Configure `OpenSAF'

See file `00-README.conf' for the configuration file syntax/format.

How to Run `OpenSAF'
When PLM is enabled, The 'plmcd' SysV init script is installed in
`$sysconfdir/rc.d/init.d' (e.g. /etc/rc.d/init.d/) directory.

The `OpenSAF' SysV init script is installed in `$sysconfdir/rc.d/init.d'
(e.g. /etc/rc.d/init.d/)

Commands to Start OpenSAF When PLM is disabled:
After a minimum configuration of

 - slot_id (only required when using IPv6 addresses), nodeinit.conf.controller,
   node_name, imm.xml(Generated) and configure_tipc(if needbe), for the
 - slot_id (only required when using IPv6 addresses), nodeinit.conf.payload and
   node_name, for the payload.

the following command shall start the OpenSAF services:

% /etc/init.d/opensafd start [start|stop|status]

If your distro uses systemd (e.g. OpenSUSE 12.1 or greater, Fedora 15 or
greater) use the following command to start the OpenSAF services:

% systemctl [start|stop|status] opensafd.service

Commands to Start OpenSAF When PLM is enabled:
After a minimum configuration of

 - slot_id (only required when using IPv6 addresses), nodeinit.conf.controller,
   node_name, imm.xml(Generated) and configure_tipc(if needbe) and the
   plmcd.conf, for the controller
 - slot_id (only required when using IPv6 addresses), nodeinit.conf.payload,
   node_name and the plmcd.conf, for the payload

The following commands shall be executed:

% /etc/init.d/plmcd start

% /etc/init.d/opensafd start [start|stop|status]

If your distro uses systemd (e.g. OpenSUSE 12.1 or greater, Fedora 15 or
greater) use the following commands:

% systemctl start plmcd.service
% systemctl [start|stop|status] opensafd.service

Note: Its not necessary to start OpenSAF if an entry to start OpenSAF is
set/specified in the plmcd.conf file.

More TODO on status command.

Command To Trigger a Administrative Switchover of the Controller Nodes:
amf-adm si-swap safSi=SC-2N,safApp=OpenSAF

Building `OpenSAF' Samples

The sources of the `OpenSAF' sample applications will get installed in
`$pkgdatadir/samples' (e.g. /usr/share/opensaf/samples/).

The following steps shall be done to build the sample applications:
    % ./
    % ./configure
    % make
    % make install

The `Makefile' looks for installed `SAF AIS' headers and `OpenSAF' libs in
standard system wide locations (e.g. /usr/include/ & /usr/lib/):

    INCLUDES = -I.
    LDFLAGS = -lSaAmf

If you have `OpenSAF' development packages installed somewhere else, override
the default values e.g.:

    % make INCLUDES="-I. -I/tmp/usr/local/include" \
        LDFLAGS="-L/tmp/usr/local/lib -lSaAmf -lopensaf_core"

To run an application you will need a configured `OpenSAF' node running.

See file `00-README.samples' for more information on each of the application.

Using the Simulation Environment

See file `00-README.uml' for more information about User Mode Linux and

Upgrading OpenSAF

Before installing or upgrading to OpenSAF 5.24.02, make sure your system meets
the minimum version requirements of the following system components:

- Linux kernel, version 2.6.39 or later. Recommended version is Linux 3.18 or
  later when using the TCP transport, and Linux 4.4.22 or later when using the
  TIPC transport. Linux versions older than the recommended ones contain bugs
  that are known to affect the proper function of OpenSAF. Use of Linux versions
  older than the recommended ones together with OpenSAF is strongly discouraged.
- GNU C Library (Glibc), version 2.11 or later
- GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), version 4.8.1 or later
- Libxml2, version 2.7 or later
- Python, version 2.7 or later (only needed when configuring with
- Libopenssl, version 0.9.8 or later (optional)
- Systemd, version 219 or later (optional)
- Libsqlite3, version 3.6 or later (only needed when configuring with
- OpenHPI, version 2.17.0 or later (only needed when configuring with
- Libvirt, version 0.9.7 or later (only needed when configuring with

When upgrading from OpenSAF version 5.1 or older, be aware that SMF upgrade
campaigns can behave differently compared to earlier OpenSAF releases in case of
component failures. This is because Section of SMF spec A.01.02 was
implemented in OpenSAF 5.2.0. You can now disable this new feature in OpenSAF
5.17.07 by setting the attribute osafAmfRestrictAutoRepairEnable to 0 in the AMF
configuration object amfConfig=1,safApp=safAmfService.

When upgrading from OpenSAF version 5.1 or older, please review the setting of
OSAF_CKPT_SHM_ALLOC_GUARANTEE in /etc/opensaf/ckptnd.conf. To avoid a
performance regression compared to OpenSAF 5.1.0, the default setting disables
the protection against situations when the POSIX shared memory is full. You must
change the setting of OSAF_CKPT_SHM_ALLOC_GUARANTEE if you wish to enable this

Pay special attention to the fact that we have increased the minimum required
version of GCC to 4.8.1 in OpenSAF 4.7.0, due to the use of the C++11 standard.
In OpenSAF 4.7.2, the minimum Linux version was increased to 2.6.37 due to the
use of TCP_USER_TIMEOUT, and in OpenSAF 5.17.11 the minimum Linux version was
increased to 2.6.39 due to the use of CLOCK_BOOTTIME.

New configuration attributes have been added to the class OpensafImm in OpenSAF
4.5, which means that the class schema has to be updated when upgrading from an
older release of OpenSAF. An IMM XML file containing the extended class
definition for OpensafImm has been added at

In OpenSAF 4.3, some new configuration attributes have been added to the SMF
configuration class. To make it possible to use these new attributes the new
class description needs to be added using the IMM schema change support.  This
can be done after the 4.3 OpenSAF release have been activated.

1) Enable the schema change support in the IMM:
immadm -o 1 -p opensafImmNostdFlags:SA_UINT32_T:1 \

2) Read in the new class descriptions :
immcfg --ignore-duplicates -f \

3) Disable the schema change support in the IMM:
immadm -o 2 -p opensafImmNostdFlags:SA_UINT32_T:1 \

In OpenSAF 4.2, the non-standard DTSv (Distributed Tracing Service) has been
retired/removed.  Fresh installations (new users) of 4.2 shall generate a new
imm.xml(see file 00-README.conf).

Users of OpenSAF 4.0.2 or OpenSAF 4.1.1 releases, who wish to perform an
In-Service Upgrade to OpenSAF 4.2 using SMF based upgrade campaigns should do
the following:

1) Download OpenSAF 4.2 release source tar from
2) Apply the patch 4.2_upgrade_dummydtsv.patch from
   <FIXME: Patch name, link>
3) Build OpenSAF 4.2 rpms
4) Execute your SMF upgrade campaigns.

The capability to modify the OpenSAF services' information model at run time has
been added now in OpenSAF 4.2 and also in maintenance changesets of the 4.0.2
and 4.1.1 releases.  You should track this section for information on steps to
be done to permenantly delete the DTSv from the information model, in future

Note: When an OpenSAF installation(< 4.2) running with 'root' privileges and
that may have configured IMM persistent storage and/or contains old/generated
trace files, is now being upgraded to OpenSAF 4.2 as the 'opensaf' user
(i.e. non-root user), Then it is the responsibility of the user/integrator to
manage (through rpm scriptlets or upgrade scripts) the permissions of the
file/directory of the immsv persistent store (see IMMSV_PBE_FILE in the
$pkgsysconfdir/immnd.conf.  e.g. /etc/opensaf/immnd.conf file) and/or the
permissions of any previous trace files present under the $pkglogdir
(e.g. /var/log/opensaf) directory, accordingly, if applicable.

Admin Operations on OpenSAF SUs
From OpenSAF release 4.4 onwards, the AMF admin operations lock, lock-in,
unlock, unlock-in is allowed to be performed on the OpenSAF SUs (i.e.
safSu=<nodename>,safSg=NoRed,safApp=OpenSAF) However, these commands should be
restrictively used, like running them from a SMF campaign. When running this
from an SMF campaign, OpenSAF shall support the behaviour only when used under
the supported usecases of OpenSAF. At this point of time, there is no evident
usecase to support this. Also note that locking of the 2N SU is currently not
supported when the system is configured with more than two system controller

Linux Distro-Specific Notes

`OpenSAF' is known to run on the following Linux installations:

    * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4)
    * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 (RHEL5)
    * Wind River Platform for Network Equipment, Linux Edition (PNE-LE)
    * MontaVista Carrier Grade Edition 4.0
    * Fedora Core 9
    * SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP2
    * SLES11


<RHEL firewall rules, SELinux, SUSE crashes with -02, missing decent tipc.h


Copyright (C) 2016 The OpenSAF Foundation