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This is a minimalist express boilerplate with ECMA features enabled, MongoDB configured and ready to be multi-stage dockerized


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Express ECMA Boilerplate With MongoDB

This is a minimalist express boilerplate with the following features:

  • ECMA Script 2020 or ES2020 features enabled
  • Babel to transpile the js code
  • Dotenv Load environment variables from .env file
  • Eslint Code quality tool
  • Prettier to prettify the code
  • MongoDB ready to go configuration with mongoose
  • CORS feature enabled
  • Passport authentication strategies and middleware to restrict access.
  • RBAC logic to authorize user with specific roles to use the endpoints.
  • Sendgrid email service support with sendgrid.
  • Error Handling errors custom middleware and helpers globally configured
  • Multer File uploading configured to use in routes as middleware
  • Google Cloud Storage middleware configured to use Google Cloud Storage as upload bucket
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub pub/sub support for event driven events added
  • Axios globally configured in ./src/utils/api.utils.js
  • Swagger documentation reachable at http://localhost:3000/api/v1/docs
  • Jest testing tool support
  • Winston logger tool support
  • Docker ready configuration with multi-stage option
  • Best practices in naming files

Basic Information

  • App entry point is located in ./src/app.js

  • Server config entrypoint is located in ./src/bin/www.js

  • Babel config to transpile the code is located at ./.babelrc

  • Prettier config is located at ./.prettierrc.yml

  • Eslint config is located at ./.eslintrc

  • Routes config entrypoint is located in ./src/routes/v1/index.route.js

  • Passport config is located at ./src/config/passport.config.js

    • Local Strategy is defined in ./src/services/passport/passport-local.service.js
    • Google Strategy is defined in ./src/services/passport/passport-google.service.js
  • RBAC logic middleware is located at ./src/middlewares/verifyRights.middleware.js

    • Roles configuration is located at ./src/config/roles.config.js
  • Sendgrid service support is located at ./src/services/email/sendgrid.service.js

    • You can define your own email services in this file
  • MongoDB config is located at ./src/config/mongodb.config.js

    • Models definition are located in ./src/services
  • Error Handling middleware is located at ./src/middlewares/errorHandler.middleware.js

    • You can configure as many errors you need in ./src/helpers/errors.helper.js
  • Multer middleware is located at ./src/middlewares/upload.middleware.js

    • If you want to use Google Cloud Storage as upload bucket follow instructions at ./src/config/gcloud/
  • Swagger config file is located at ./swagger.json

    • Swagger routes are defined in ./src/routes/swagger.route.js
  • Docker config is located at ./Dockerfile

  • JEST tests are located in ./src/tests/*

  • Pub/Sub service is located at ./src/services/pubsub/pub-sub.service.js

    • The pub/sub logic routes is located at ./src/routes/v1/events/*
    • The pub/sub logic controller is located at ./src/controllers/events/*

Folder Structure


  • bin/ - server configuration folder
  • config/ - this folder contains all the configs file (database, passport, etc...)
  • constants/ - this folder contains all the global constants
  • controllers/ - all the controllers to use in routes that interact with services
  • debug/ - the logger file will be stored here
  • helpers/ - some helpers func i.e. an error helper that returns json everytime an error comes in
  • middlewares/ - here you can find all the custom middlewares
  • models/ - database model definition
  • routes/ - here you find all the defined routes of the app
  • services/ - here we store all the services; i.e. here we define methods to manipulate a db model entity
  • tests/ - here we store all the jest test
  • utils/ - containing some utils function to be reused in the code (i.e. axios global configuration)

Getting Started

Copy the .env.example to .env

cp env.example .env

Then replace:

  1. MONGO_URI string with your Mongo connection
    1. MONGO_URI_TEST string with your Mongo Test connection
  3. GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID with yours
  4. SENDGRID_API_KEY with yours

In order to Google Cloud Storage works follow instructions located in ./src/config/gcloud/

To get started with this repo npm install in the root folder

npm install

To getting started with a dev environment. Here we use nodemon and babel-node to restart the server asa we change something

npm run start:dev

To transpile the code and create a production build

npm run transpile

This command will create a build in the root directory

To start with a production ready build you can run this command

# This set the NODE_ENV to production, npm-run-all, create a build and run the server command
npm run start

If you have a build and you want to node the build you can run

# This command launch the node instance inside the ./build/bin/www
npm run server


# To launch all the tests that are in the tests folder
npm run test

Docker Ready

Here we use the multistage build to optimize speed and size of the final image

If you use Docker and wanna dockerize the app you can run the command

docker build -t <dockerhubusername>/<docker-image-name>:<tag> .


docker run --name <docker-process-name> -d - p 3000:3000 <dockerhubusername>/<docker-image-name>:<tag>