This repository contains Markdown files of the abstracts for talks that I, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, have given at Python-related and industry-oriented conferences, often in collaboration with my students and colleagues. I am making these available to the community so that others can review the details of talks accepted to this type of conference. Whenever appropriate, I have enhanced the abstracts to make references to the most up-to-date web sites and GitHub repositories.
This is a summary of the files containing abstracts for talks that I have given at Python-related conferences:
PyOhio 2021: Type Annotations in Python: Terribly Intimidating or Tremendously Informative?
PyCon 2019 Poster Symposium: Automatic Detection of Pseudo-tested Methods Using Python and Pytest
PyCon 2019 Poster Symposium: Using Python and GitHub for Team Formation and Assessment
PyOhio 2019: Find Your Feature Fit: How to Pick a Text Editor for Python Programming
PyOhio 2018: A Hands-On Guide to Teaching Programming with GitHub, Travis CI, and Python
PyGotham 2018: Using Python, Travis CI, and GitHub to Effectively Teach Programming
If you have any problems with this list of abstracts for Python-related presentations, then please raise an issue associated with this Git repository using the "Issues" link at the top of the site. I will do everything that I can to resolve your issue and ensure that the presentation works correctly. If you appreciated this repository and its talk abstracts, then please star it!