A golang framework for building progressive backend services.
Kitchen is a framework designed for building progressive, scalable services.
The core concept of Kitchen is to create placeholders for all major functions. These placeholders define the input, output, and dependencies required for execution. Function bodies can then be assigned to these placeholders.
At runtime, functions are invoked from the placeholders. This allows for the integration of additional logic such as logging, tracing, metrics, callbacks, and more into the function calls without messing up the code.
Since execution is managed via placeholders, the call is not necessarily executed in local. This enables seamless upgrading of the service from a monolithic architecture to horizontal monoliths, and even splitting its scope to microservices.
- Tracing / logging / metrics
- Effortless/Restartless scaling
- Dependencies management
- Concurrency management
- Plugin for serving as web / gRPC API
- OpenApi schema generation
- Pipeline for state management
- Asynchronous call
There are few components in the framework that are used to build the API. Let's take an abstract example of a cafe.
// In a cafe, what we focus on is to serve the customer with DISH, like coffee, cake etc.
// DISH is the placeholder for the function
// COOKWARE is the dependency that is required for serving the request.
type coffeeCookware struct {
grinder *Grinder
coffeeMachine *CoffeeMachine
// MENU is the collection of DISH
// Each MENU will be assigned a COOKWARE
// All the DISHes in the MENU will be using the same COOKWARE to serve
type CoffeeMenu struct {
kitchen.MenuBase[*CoffeeMenu, coffeeCookware] // Base struct for the menu
Cappuccino kitchen.Dish[ // Dish placeholder
coffeeCookware, // Cookware
*cafeProto.CappuccinoOrder, // Input, like specifications of the coffee like milk, beans etc.
*cafeProto.CappuccinoOutput, // Output, your coffee!
// Another cookware for cake
type cakeCookware struct {
// Cakes need another menu since they use different cookware
type CakeMenu struct {
kitchen.MenuBase[*CakeMenu, cakeCookware]
Tiramisu kitchen.Dish[cakeCookware, *cafeProto.TiramisuOrder, *cafeProto.TiramisuOutput]
func main() {
coffeeMenu := kitchen.InitMenu( // Initialize the menu
new(CoffeeMenu), // Menu prototype
newCoffeeCookwarePool(), // Cookware, can be a reusable pointer/sync.Pool
// Assign the Cooker to the Dish, which is the actual function body
ctx kitchen.IContext[coffeeCookware], // Context contain the cookware and lifecycle utils
input *testProto.CappuccinoOrder)
(*testProto.CappuccinoOutput, error) {
//let's cook!
grindedBeans := ctx.Cookware().grinder.grindBeans(input.Beans)
coffeeReady := ctx.Cookware().coffeeMachine.brewCoffee(grindedBeans, input.Milk)
return &testProto.CappuccinoOutput{ Cappuccino: coffeeReady}, nil // return error or the coffee, enjoy!
// Try a callback after the cooking is done
coffeeMenu.Cappuccino.AfterCook(func(ctx kitchen.IContext[coffeeCookware], input *testProto.CappuccinoOrder, output *testProto.CappuccinoOutput, err error) {
ctx.Cookware().coffeeMachine.clean() // clean the machine after brewing
//cook the coffee
coffee, res := coffeeMenu.Cappuccino.Cook(context.Background(), &testProto.CappuccinoOrder{Beans: "arabica", Milk: "whole"}
type WebTest struct {
kitchen.MenuBase[*WebTest, *WebCookware]
HelloWorld kitchen.Dish[*WebCookware, string, string] // url: /hello_world
Login kitchen.Dish[*WebCookware, any, int64] // url: /login
//special cookware for web
type WebCookware struct {
UserId int64
// Implement the IWebCookware to parse the request into cookware with session
func (d WebCookware) RequestParser(action kitchen.IDish, bundle kitchen.IWebBundle) (routerHelper.IWebCookware, error) {
dd := d
dd.UserId, _ = strconv.ParseInt(bundle.Headers().Get("UserId"), 10, 64)
return &dd, nil
func main() {
webTest := kitchen.InitMenu(new(WebTest), newWebCookwarePool())
webTest.HelloWorld.SetCooker(func(ctx kitchen.IContext[*WebCookware], input string) (string, error) {
return input+" world!", nil
webTest.Login.SetCooker(func(ctx kitchen.IContext[*WebCookware], input any) (int64, error) {
return 1, nil
router := mux.NewRouter() // Prepare the router
helper := muxHelper.NewWrapper(router) // mux router helper, also available for echo/fasthttp
// Generate the openapi schema
jsonBytes, err := kitchenWeb.MakeOpenApi(someApiName, []string{"host1.com"}, "/", someVersion, webTest)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)
//setup the gRPC menu following the proto service signature
type GrpcMenu struct {
kitchen.MenuBase[*GrpcTest, *AnyGrpcCookware]
SayHello kitchen.Dish[*DummyWorkerCookware, *helloworld.HelloRequest, *helloworld.HelloReply]
func main() {
// initialize the menu as usual
grpcTest := kitchen.InitMenu[*GrpcMenu, *AnyGrpcCookware](&GrpcTest{}, &AnyGrpcCookware{})
grpcTest.SayHello.SetCooker(func(ctx kitchen.IContext[*AnyGrpcCookware], input *helloworld.HelloRequest) (output *helloworld.HelloReply, err error) {
return &helloworld.HelloReply{Response: input.Request + " world"}, nil
// start the gRPC server
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
s := grpc.NewServer()
// Register the gRPC server with the plugin
err = kitchenGrpc.RegisterGrpcServer(s, helloworld.Greeter_ServiceDesc, grpcTest)
if err != nil {
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {