No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Godot classes (nodes, resources, ...)
Code specific to examples changed (not just follow-up from API updates)
Low-level components and interaction with GDExtension API
Register classes, functions and other symbols to GDScript
WebAssembly export target
PRs updating dependencies (dependabot automation)
Improvements or additions to documentation
Adds functionality to the library
Opposite of "good first issue": needs deeper know-how and significant design work.
Extra attention is needed
The reported problem isn't a problem within gdext.
Performance problems and optimizations
No new functionality, but improves ergonomics/internals
Not a problem with the library, but a question regarding usage.
This issue or pull request already exists
Depending on upstream fix (typically Godot)
This will not be worked on
Groups a list of related issues and tracks progress
You can’t perform that action at this time.